Home [ volontiranje ] Poziv za dugoročno Erazmus+ volontiranje u CK Portugal

Poziv za dugoročno Erazmus+ volontiranje u CK Portugal

Vega OC poziva mlade da se prijave na ODOBREN dugoročni Erazmus+ volonterski projekat u organizaciji Crveni krst iz Portugala Cruz Vermelha Cucujães. Jedini uslov je imati između 17 i 30 godina.

Trajanje projekta: 11 meseci (april 2019-mart 2020)
Mesto: Cucujães (Portugal)
Teme projekta: inkluzija, zdravlje, mladi, stara lica i mnoge druge
Koordinatorska i hosting organizacija: Crveni krst Portugal (Cruz Vermelha Cucujães)
ROK ZA PRIJAVU: 10. februar (23.59)
Način prijave: poslati CV i motivaciono pismo na vegayc.youthmobility@gmail.com
Za naslov mejla stavite: Prijava za ESC u CK Portugal – ime i prezime
Erazmus+ omogućava mladima da uče i razvijaju se, a u isto vreme doprinose zajednici zemlje u kojoj volontiraju. Program pokriva troškove vize, smeštaja, hrane, određene troškove puta, zdravstvenog osiguranja i džeparac.
Za detaljan infopack o projektu, više informacija ili eventualnu pomoć oko prijave, možete nam pisati na vegayc.youthmobility@gmail.com
Kako napisati motivaciono pismo za ESC? https://prezi.com/knuajuiiht8r/motivaciono-pismo-za-evs/
What is European Solidarity Corps (ESC)? The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe. It provides an opportunity to join in meaningful projects while your food, accommodation, traveling, pocket money, insurance and mentorship are fully covered. A person can only do one short term (less than 59 days) and one long-term ESC. You should register in the European Solidarity Corps portal to learn more about it.
Where? The project will take place in the small town of Cucujães in the Portuguese Red Cross – Cucujães Delegation headquarters. Vila de Cucujães is part of Oliveira de Azeméis municipality and belongs to the district of Aveiro. It is 45 km away from Porto and 38 km away from Aveiro but both are easily accessible through public transportation. For some special activities and events (e.g. “Support to the Pilgrims”, “Food Bank”, “Social Store”, “Youth Summercamp”…) location will be different but always within the region of Oliveira de Azeméis or Aveiro (for these activities the organization will provide the transport).
What are the learning outcomes? Participants can expect to learn things from the most diverse areas. As an organisation that focuses on humanitarian relief, inclusion and health and well being, we expect participants to be flexible and open to new experiences; to have sense of responsibility; and most importantly, have willingness to learn. We will also do our best in order for them to achieve the following:
– Language Skills: Participants will have the opportunity to learn Portuguese and to improve on their English;
– Cooperation Skills: Because of working as part of a team and being with other people all the time, they’ll learn how to express themselves and listen to others;
– Problem Analysis and Solving: Because when volunteering you’ll encounter unexpected situations that require creative solutions; Attitudes:
– Perseverance and Determination: Overcoming new challenges dispite of difficulties and obstacles;
– Flexibility and Adaptability: By living in a different country immersed in a new culture;
– Commitment: The time volunteers commit to the project is immensely valuable;
– Initiative: There is plenty of room for it and they are encourage to take Initiative;
– Awareness of Personal Progress and Development;
– Estabish meaningful connections with others;
Learn or Increase Knowledge:
– About Cucujães, the North Region of our country and about Portugal and the Portuguese Culture;
– On the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and explore the NGO’s work in all different ranges;
– Hearing about other countries and cultures among other ESC volunteers in Portugal;
– About Erasmus Program: Youthpass and other non-formal educational opportunities.
How (activities)?
Participants will mostly work in the headquarters on:
– “Mistura Activa” (Active Mix) (it’s aimed for people with disabilities and is part of our social inclusion action; Once a week, participants will have the chance to prepare and take a leading role on helping disabled people making handcrafts, sports, field trips and many more);
– “Banco Alimentar” (Food Bank) (this includes storing food supplies and distributing them to families and individuals that come to the headquarters);
– “Loja Solidária” (Social Store) (Participants will help local volunteers sorting clothing and other goods donations to be sold at our social store);
It is important to remember that our organization is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and our aim is to provide humanitarian relief; One of our fundamental principles is voluntary service and we are on call should it be the case we are called to provide support in case of emergency/ catastrophe. The headquarters are opened to the public from 09 am to 17 pm (with 1:30 rest period during lunch time) and sometimes participants will need to help with “customer” service (e.g. registering, assessing, and responding to requests of any items).
Other special activities and events include:
– Family Visits (here the participant will carry needs assessment and accompany a social worker to check family processes);
– “Apoio aos Peregrinos” (Support to the Pilgrims) (This activity begins in late April (usually starting on the 25th) and ends the 9th of May. We set up a base tent in the street. In that base we set up a lodge, kitchen and clinic to support many pilgrims on their way to Fátima Sancturay. We provide this people with shelter, food and medical aid if needed).
– “Férias em Movimento” (Youth Summercamp) (This activity takes place during 4 weeks in July from 9 am to 5 pm. The camp is based at a local primary school even though it includes a “field trip” at least once a week. The preparation takes place in the previous months with regular meetings with all those involved: staff, volunteers and participants; All of them contributing with ideas and preparing games and materials for the youth to experience Arts, Sports, Drama in a fun educational week).
Practical arrangements: Participants will be re-funded the value of their travels from their original country and back to their original country as follows: Greece up to 530€ and Serbia up to 360€.
Regarding accommodation, participants will share a house but each will have their own room. House is equipped with all appliances and basic furniture. Health insurance and Visa will be provided and also morning and afternoon snacks during working hours. During special activities or events, all the meals will be provided. Participants will receive 5€/ day pocket money (as advised in the Erasmus + ESC guidelines document).
Application information: Applications must be done through the partner organizations: Youth Mobility Center (YMC) – ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΝΕΑΝΙΚΗΣ ΚΙΝΗΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ Vega Youth Center/ Vega Omladinski Centar. Applicants must send updated CV and motivation letter to the respective organisation in their country. Each organization will short list their respective applicants and an interview will be made (through skype or Facebook video call).
In case you are selected, you will receive an email and your sending organisation will provide pre-departure ESC training and help you with travel and other practical arrangements (e.g. Visa).
Desired Profile of participants:
– Between 18-30 years old;
– Motivated, flexible, reliable, open-minded;
– Will bring commitment and initiative to their work;
– Serious interest in helping individuals, local communities and working in teams;
– Experience on sports, arts or music field is very welcomed;
– Willingness to learn (e.g. First Aid, Portuguese language);
– Previous volunteering experience in their local Red Cross/ Red Crescent or First Aid is great.
Project Reference: 2018-1-PT02-ESC11-005589
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