Home [treninzi] Konkurs za učesnike/ce na SV „Volunteering opportunities abroad“- Makedonija

Konkurs za učesnike/ce na SV „Volunteering opportunities abroad“- Makedonija


voaCentar za razvojnu politiku i saradnju (CRPS) ima zadovoljstvo da vas pozove da se prijavite na konkurs za studijsko putovanje “ Volunteering opportunities abroad ” koji će se održati u Strugi, Skoplju, Ohridu, Bitoli, i Prilepu, (Makedonija) od 19-29 aprila 2014. godine.


Pravo prijavljivanja i učešća imaju svi mladi iz Srbije starosti od 18 do 28 godina. Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem aplikacione forme (ispod), za više informacija pišite na mail konkurs@crps.org.rs sa nazivom mail-a “za VOA” ili pozovite 063/8329542 od 12 do 16 časova.

Organizator snosi troškove smeštaja i hrane. Učesnicima će biti refundirano 70% troškova puta. Radni jezik je engleski.

Slanjem aplikacije izjavljujete da se slažete sa uslovima prijavljivanja i učešća.

Važni datumi:
01-10.03.2014 – Rok za prijave
11- 16.03.2014 – Kontaktiranje odabranih učesnika
17.03.2014 – Rok za uplatu participacije (u iznosu od € 15) za odabrane učesnike
18-19.03.2014 – Predstavljanje programa i potpisivanje ugovora o učešću
April 2014 – Orijentacioni sastanci (rezervacije karata, priprema internacionalne večeri)
19-28.04.2014 – Program i studijska poseta – Struga, Skoplje, Ohrid, Bitola, Prilep

Volunteering opportunities abroad is an 8 day international Study Visit between EU and SEE and Caucasus Countries on the topic youth active participation and volunteering. The training course will be held in STRUGA (19 – 24 April) and Skopje (24 – 28 April), with visits of NGO’s and Youth centers for orphans, in other cities (Ohrid, Bitola and Prilep) in R.Macedonia. The main aim of the study visit is exploring the concept and possibilities of volunteering abroad and to encourage the active participation of young people (18 -25 years) from rural and disadvantaged geographical areas and to promote among
them the advantages and benefits of volunteering. The project will bring together 30 youth workers, persons coming from distant geographic regions, youth leaders and activists from civil societies from the mentioned regions, and will give them the opportunity to learn, to share and improve various means and methods of youth work.

The project will encourage young people – participants to disseminate the project results through their actions among their working environments and local communities will enhance the intercultural understanding and the cooperation through creativity and innovation and help them to build future partnerships and projects, sending and hosting Volunteers through EVS and other programmes. Project activities will be based on learning-by-doing methods and intercultural communication and will stimulate creativity, active participation, initiative and involvement of young people in volunteering activities. For the achievement of the learning objectives on the Study Visit a variety of active and interactive methods (games, workshops, role-playing situations, outdoor activities, discussions, etc.) will be used in order to cover all aspects of the project theme and the needs of participants and their organizations. Project is focused on empowerment of young people and increasing their mobility.

Application form | Volunteering opportunities abroad