Home [treninzi] Call for participants – Perform your identity

Call for participants – Perform your identity


grupa-hajde-da-novi-logoGroup “Let’s…” supported by Youth in Action programme is organizing  a seven-day international Training course  (Perform your identity) for six partners from Iceland, Serbia, Italy, BiH, Macedonia and Spain


The aims and objectives of training are:

  1. foster greater understanding of intercultural learning as a process which starts in identifying someone’s identity and the roles of family, culture, customs, religion, tradition have in creating someone’s identity, explore and have a deeper understanding about roots and foundation of stereotypes and prejudice,
  2. provide techniques and for developing performances that will enable young people and youth workers to use performance as a tool in promotion of right to identity (especially of minorities) and promotion of human rights,
  3. promote Youth in Action Programme as a tool for European cooperation among youth in Europe.

Youth workers and trainers will be equipped to use in their future work performance techniques as a the tool for addressing important questions in order to fight for (human) rights of marginalized and vulnerable youth groups with whom they work. They will acquire techniques that can be used to make performances in public place (squares, schools, public transportation…) and can serves as a concrete tool on how to implement local anti-discrimination campaigns with small costs that will ensure the sustainability of influencing public opinion.

Application form you can find here, and call for participants and more about the project here.
Deadline for applications is 10th of  february 2014.

Participants from Serbia should  be send applications on : marijana@hajdeda.org.rs

Hajde da yia