Home [ volontiranje ] Call for volunteers – European Youth Event 2014

Call for volunteers – European Youth Event 2014


logozfThe European Youth Forum (YFJ) is the platform of youth organisations in Europe. Representing 99 youth organisations, both National Youth Councils and International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations, we believe youth organisations are the tool through which we empower, encourage, involve, represent, reach out and support young people. The Youth Forum brings together tens of millions of young people from all over Europe, organised in order to represent their common interests.


General information

From: 17/02/2014
To: 11/05/2014
Application deadline: 15/01/2014 23:59 (CET)
Description of event: The Youth Forum is looking for 20 enthusiastic and reliable volunteers to support the running of the EYE 2014!

The Event

In May 2014 the European Parliament in Strasbourg will open its doors to 5000 young people, inviting them to share their ‘ideas for a better Europe’ on five core themes:

• Youth Unemployment
• Digital Revolution
• Future of the EU
• Sustainability
• European Values

The exciting European Youth Event 2014 will combine political discourse and educational workshops with music, artistic events and cultural activities, creating the perfect mix for an enjoyable and meaningful experience.

As a core partner of the EYE, the European Youth Forum will bring its successful YO! Fest to the event, comprising the interactive YO! Village, high profile concerts and the space for youth organisations and partners to meet and exchange with young participants. Theatrical, musical and artistic performances will occur throughout the village, encouraging interaction and stimulating participants to share their ideas and experiences. Diverse political workshops, activities as well as a living library will also be hosted, offering participants to engage in a wide variety of forums, touching upon the 5 main themes. Finally, the YO! Café will be an informal space to relax, meet people and discuss less formally about issues they are passionate about.

Selection criteria:

• Be aged between 18-35
• Have experience in youth organisations, preferably at European level
• Have experience in organizing or supporting international events
• Be well-organised with good communication skills
• Be flexible and a good team-player
• Be committed to take active part in the preparation meeting 17-19th February and the event itself including preparation days (May 6th – 11th)
• Have a good command of the English language and preferably knowledge of other EU languages (specifically French or German)
Number of participants: 20
Additional infos: Would you like to get involved in the EYE?
The European Youth Forum is looking for motivated and experienced people who are willing to offer their time and valuable expertise to help in the smooth management of this unique event. As a volunteer you will be an integral part of the EYE team and will gain experience in all aspects of making a festival happen. Volunteers will be divided into multi-national teams and will be allocated tasks in consultation but should be flexible and happy to help out where needed.

Volunteers’ main responsibilities:
• Providing information and orientation to participants
• Supporting partners and youth organisations in setting up and running their activities and stands
• Facilitating stage spaces and supporting artists and musicians to ensure performances run smoothly
• Developing and running programme elements including ‘YO!Talks’ and facilitating innovative discussions in the ‘YO! Café’
• Supporting the programme: meeting speakers and guests, escorting them to various venues and ensuring materials are in place and the rooms are equipped and prepared
• Other tasks defined in consultation with the volunteer team

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