Home [treninzi] Training course D.E.A.L.

Training course D.E.A.L.


Training course D.E.A.L. will be held in the city of Worcester (United Kingdom) from 13 to 19 September 2013 for the duration of 7 days and will gather 30 participants (trainers, support staff, experts) from 14 different countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Montenegro, Italy, Estonia, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Poland, Malta, Turkey and the United Kingdom).

Employability is about having the capability to gain initial employment, maintain employment and obtain new employment if required. Inspired by the “Study on the impact of Non-Formal Education in youth organizations on young people’s employability” launched by the European Youth Forum on October 2012 (find the study here: http://issuu.com/yomag/docs/reportnfe_print) and bearing in mind the increase in unemployment in Europe, – according to statistics from Eurostat (September 2012) 5.520 million young people (under 25) were unemployed in the EU-27- the proposed project offers methods, tools and practices, based on the principles of non-formal education, that people involved with the youth and their employability can use and being inspired by them. The participants will be encouraged to build on the experiences gained from the project and adapt them according to the demanded standards back in their countries.

The aim of the project is to create a hub for employability and personal development tools, methods and practises to be used by those working with young people (in any capacity, formal, non-formal, vocational, etc.) to support them in pursing diverse career prospects. The aim will be achieved by means of a few objectives described below:
• To improve participants’ knowledge, skills and attitudes with regards to personal development of young people
• To provide space for sharing of experiences and good practices in the given topics
• To encourage the development of employability skills, as well as to foster the spirit of initiative, creativity and active participation of young people in society.
• To demonstrate how volunteering can be a major part in the development of a young person’s life, promote inclusion, encourage cross-community working and support global active citizenship
• To stimulate unemployed young people’s mobility and active participation in society
• to share information about and gain first-hand experience in various personal and professional development tools2 | This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and the British Council. This pack reflects the views only of the author and the European Commission and the British Council cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
• To research the possibility for the implementation of a follow up consolidation seminar, that will facilitate the building upon the experience gained, after the period of practice that will be discussed, encouraged and agreed upon during the training course.

The methodology will be based on the principles of non-formal education such as experiential learning, cooperative learning, shared responsibility to name but a few and will be enriched with practical examples of projects that have brought about change and success in this area.

Training course will be held in the historical city of Worcester. It’s a small, yet very lively and colourful city that will offer a great venue for both daily activities and evening entertainment. Detailed information related to accommodation and training venue will be provided at a later stage. All food is included during the training course. To read more about Worcester, please visit: http://www.visitworcester.com/

This course will gather 30 participants and experts in the field coming from 14 different countries: • United Kingdom – 5 pax,
• Greece – 3 pax,
• Poland, Malta, Estonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey – 2 pax,
• Italy – 1 pax (each of the partner organisations).
The main issues covered by the project relate to young people and their personal development. Nevertheless, the very training activity is aimed at those who see themselves as potential multipliers of methods learnt and hence wish to act as the facilitators of change. In particular, the course is targeting those working (volunteers and/or employed staff) actively with young people, preferably unemployed, coming from rural or less developed areas. These could be youth workers, youth leaders, trainers, facilitators, etc

INFORMATION FOR SELECTED PARTICIPANTS … Travelling to the UK You must use the cheapest options and get you travel times/cost approved by us in advance Friday 13th September – Please arrive at Worcester by 6pm at the latest. Closer to the training course we will inform you about the exact meeting place in the city.
Thursday 19th September – To allow time to get to the airports, your return flight must be after 9 pm from Birmingham Airport, or later from other airports.
The nearest airports are listed by distance/convenience – Birmingham Airport – this is the easiest airport to use
– East Midlands Airport (1 h 30 min)
– Luton Airport (2 hours 20 minutes) (postoji direktan let WizzAir kompanijom iz BG-a)
– Manchester Airport (2 hours 20 minutes)
– Heathrow Airport (<3 hours)
– Stansted Airport (<4 hours 20 minutes) In order to find suitable connections between your airport of arrival and Birmingham please check: – trains – http://www.thetrainline.com – coaches – http://www.nationalexpress.com Should you have any problems or need advice you can always contact us. We’ll be happy to help!!!

TRAVEL COSTS We will reimburse 70% of your travel costs from your home city to the Worcester, – 420 – Greece, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Malta – Poland, Italy, Estonia
Also, 100% of all visa related costs (travel to embassies, visa fees, etc.) will be reimbursed upon presentation of the relevant documents confirming the expenditure!!! Each ticket has to be approved by us before the purchase otherwise we reserve the right not to reimburse. You have to receive a written confirmation (e-mail) from us that we approve your travel route.
We will advise all successful applicants about their travel options. Reimbursement of travel costs will only be made upon full attendance in the training programme and presentation of the original tickets with boarding passes and 4 |
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and the British Council. This pack reflects the views only of the author and the European Commission and the British Council cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. receipt/invoices. Reimbursement will be made in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your tickets and receipt/invoice.
Please note if you buy your tickets in a currency other than EUROs, we will convert to EUROs according to the exchange rates from the official European Commission website
Please make copies of your tickets and invoices before you come to the training.
Please make sure you have return tickets for all stages of your travel (return plane tickets, return bus or train tickets, etc.). Reimbursement will be given only on the basis of an existing ticket. No advance reimbursement for future tickets will be given. If you plan to travel outside the official training dates (13-19 September) this should not be a problem but please let us know – NOTE! We will not pay for expenses incurred before or after these dates, especially accommodation. Remember, all travel plans/costs must be approved by us in writing BEFORE you buy tickets.

Health insurance will not be provided or reimbursed by the organizers. All participants are required to purchase health insurance individually. If you live in an EU country and use a national health insurance system there, please apply for a FREE European Health Insurance Card: http://ehic.europa.eu

Intercultural evening – all participants will have the chance to present their country and culture. Please bring with you some music, food and drinks representing your country or culture for all to share.

Osim navednih 30% troškova, svaki od učesnika dužan je da uplati 4500 RSD na ime administrativnih troškova partnerske organizacije na ovom projektu Mladi za Mlade – Novi Sad. Prijave sa CV-om šaljite na draganmarkelic@gmail.com najkasnije do 19.06.2013 nakon toga, dobidete aplikacioni formular koji dete poslati na adresu organizatora.