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TACSO Regionalna konferencija – Civil Society Transformations on the Way to the European Union conference


TASCO Vas poziva da se prijavite za učešće u TACSO Regionalnoj konferenciji koja će biti održana u Zagrebu od 17. do 19. aprila 2013. godine sa nazivom “Transformacije civilnog društva na putu ka EU”. Sve potrebne informacije kao i prijavne formulare mozete procitati ispod:

Looking at the past, present and future of civil society in the Western Balkans and Turkey | Zagreb, Croatia, 17-19 April 2013.

The EU enlargement processes considerably influenced the development of CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The aim of this conference is to identify the key challenges faced by CSOs in the framework of the EU enlargement process and to present the changes that CSOs and other actors in the field went through during that process.

Download: Open callAgenda | Application form

Please review the attached Open Call and the Agenda before deciding to apply.

Who can apply?

Representatives of CSOs and CSO networks, including independent civil society experts and researchers, based in IPA countries and involved with the EU enlargement issues. The applicants need to be fluent in English to the extent that they can actively participate in the conference.

Application procedure

Interested applicants are requested to submit:

  • Short bio note
  • Motivation letter in which they describe their expectations from the conference, what specific knowledge and experience they will share with other participants, how will their organisation and the civil society sector at large benefit from their participation in the conference. The letter should also clearly state how is the applicant’s organisation involved in EU enlargement issues.
  • Application form

The completed application needs to be sent to the e-mail address of your national TACSO office (contact details for all TACSO countries listed below) by 21 January 2013 with the subject heading: CONFERENCE – Civil Society Transformations. The selection process should be completed by 31 January 2013. Please note that only selected applicants will be contacted.

Contact details

info.al@tacso.org: Albania
info.ba@tacso.org: Bosnia and Herzegovina
info.hr@tacso.org: Croatia
info.ko@tacso.org: Kosovo
info.mk@tacso.org: FYR of Macedonia
info.mn@tacso.org: Montenegro
info.rs@tacso.org: Serbia
info.tr@tacso.org: Turkey