Home [konkursi] Call for essay submission – IMAGINE EU 2030

Call for essay submission – IMAGINE EU 2030


Fellows of SEE and the EU – Leadership Development Programme are announcing the call for essay submissions on the topic “Imagine EU 2030”.


Future begins with the vision we hold now and young generations are crucial for shaping it. In this sense, we want to encourage you to share your thoughts, expectations, opportunities, affections and perceptions about the European Union in 2030. Through your essays, we aim to gain unique and interesting views regarding the perceptions of Balkan youth about the developments of the European Union in the years to come. You can write on any aspect of the EU you find relevant: enlargement, deepening of the union, design of institutions, future of Euro and the monetary union, role of the EU in world politics, diversity in EU – in order to answer a simple, yet complex question: what will the EU look like in the year 2030? Both euro-skeptic and euro-optimistic views are welcome!


BA and MA students of social sciences and humanities from the universities in Croatia, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.



·         Essays have to be original and unpublished. They should be submitted with the original title reflecting the specific subject of the paper.

·         Essays should not exceed 1000 or have less than 600 words.

·         The essays are required to be in English.

·         Essays should be written in Times New Roman and font size should be 12, with default Microsoft Word margins.

·         Writers can submit only one essay. Coauthored essays are not accepted.

·         Organizers retain the rights of publishing the essays.


Essays with short biography and contact details of the author should be submitted to: office@imagineeu2030.com .



The call officially starts on November 1, 2012 and is opened until January 1, 2013.



Fifteen best essays will be published in a book and presented at the public conference February 28, 2013 in Belgrade, Serbia. Author of the best essay will be awarded with the book store gift certificate in the amount of 200 euros. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and judged on originality, structure, strength of arguments, quality of presentation and relevance to the overall topic. Members of the organizing team will contact the winner and the best contributors shortly after the closing of the competition.



You can find additional information at:


The Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme is organized jointly by the European Fund for the Balkans, the College of Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association. The Programme aims to transmit knowledge about the EU and its relation to the SEE, to stimulate the leadership and professional skills of participants and to encourage an exchange of views of young people who aspire to play an active role in the future of their countries.This project is the sole responsibility of the group members.