Home [treninzi] Religion in Europe: Believe it or Leave it?

Religion in Europe: Believe it or Leave it?


7-13 October 2012 | Bol, Brac, Croatia
Co-organised by JEF-Europe and JEF-Croatia, the international seminar “Religion in Europe: Believe it or Leave it?” will take place in Bol on the island of Brač in Croatia, from 7 until 13 October 2012.

Religion plays an important role in life for many Europeans citizens. Thus, debate on the rights of religious minorities and exploring the dilemmas for the pluralist society we live in are key in the creation of a tolerant European continent. To what extent is religion crucial to define one’s ethnic and personal identity? How can we most effectively reconcile the principles behind secularity, religious rights and diversity?
Young people in Europe must find a way to reconcile the various differences (religious but also ethnic, cultural or regional) with the need of a common set of values (human rights, democracy, rule of law…). Doing this while preserving unity and without creating divides between people is an enormous challenge this seminar will try to explore.

Objectives of the seminar:
Raising awareness among young leaders about the challenges of religious divides and the role they play while providing them with tools for building understanding in their communities;
Promoting active and critical thinking about issues pertaining to the debate between religious rights versus secular state;
Motivating youth to take an active role in creating an atmosphere of better understanding between divided societies through civil society involvement;
Producing recommendations for policymakers on the importance of a more effective inter-religious and secular dialogue in Europe.

During the seminar, non-formal education will be key! Brainstorming, interviewing experts, debates, role-plays, art, field visits, treasure hunts… The participants will actively seek information and process it critically through a variety of methods. They will be provided with background information on the topic beforehand, in order to have time to prepare and be able to contribute to the discussions at the seminar. Finally, the seminar aims at producing a set of measures that JEF-Europe, its sections and partners could start implementing afterwards.

Training overview

This Seminar is

for 40 participants


and recommended for

Youth leaders

Working language(s):



JEF Europe (NGO/Others)

JEF is a supranational, politically pluralist youth NGO with about 30,000 members in over 30 European countries. The goal of JEF is the creation of a democratic European federation as a guarantee for peace and a more free, just and democratic society. JEF fosters European citizenship, works for the widening and deepening of the EU and aims at bringing Europe closer to the citizens. Our ideas are spread through international activities and youth exchanges, publications, public actions and co-operation with other youth organisations.

Contact for questions:

JEF Europe

E-Mail: info@jef.eu

Phone: +32 2 512 0053


Participation fee: 120 EUR for JEF members and 150 EUR for non-JEF members.
Travel reimbursement: 70% of travel costs (maximum reimbursement = 170 EUR).