Home [stipendije] Stipendije za državljane zemalja zapadnog Balkana za studiranje u Sloveniji

Stipendije za državljane zemalja zapadnog Balkana za studiranje u Sloveniji


Scholarships for postgraduate studies in the field of natural sciences, technology or medicine are available for nationals of Western Balkans. They are awarded from academic year 2012/2013 onwards till the end of the individual study programme.

The subject-matter of the call for applications is the award of scholarship to the nationals of Western Balkans for postgraduate studies in natural science, technology or medicine at educational institutions in the Republic of Slovenia for individual level of education, more precisely for:

– Master studies (second level),
– Doctoral studies.

The scholarship will be awarded for:

– living costs; in the total amount of EUR 8.400,00 for each study year;
– tuition fee; the maximum granted amount of yearly scholarship for tuition fee for an individual year of study according to this call for applications shall amount to 100% of tuition fee, but not more than EUR 3,000.00 for individual study year.


The deadline to apply is 21. 9. 2012.


For more info contact:

Doris Sattler
e-mail: doris.sattler[@]sklad-kadri.si
+386 (0)1 434 58 92


Official hours:
Monday-Friday: from 9.00 to 12.00

Wednesday also from 14.00 to 16.00