Home [treninzi] Poziv za učešće na treningu Social Media for Social Change

Poziv za učešće na treningu Social Media for Social Change



Inclusive Movement is looking for four participants (18-30 years old) in a training course that will take place in Struga, Macedonia from 19-26 October 2012. ”Social Media for Social Change” is an intensive 8-days training course for youth workers, youth project managers and volunteers that will introduce them to the contexts, forms and tools of social media.

Main aim of this course is to equip learners with the knowledge, critical thinking ability, and practical skills they need to improve the effectiveness of their work and meet the personal, professional, and civic challenges posed by social media. Proposed program includes a mix of hands-on, practical tuition together with theory, case studies and strategy tips.

Participants will discover the possible pitfalls of using social media, learn appropriate netiquette, and look at examples of how to best construct and spread their messages to get results. Training course will be hosted in Struga, Macedonia.

Participants are from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and Serbia. 100% of accommodation and food costs and 70% of the travel costs will be covered by the project.

Application form


Personal data of the applicant








Date of birth (dd/mm/yy)







This e-mail will be used for further communication


Motivation for participation

Working language will be English, please tell us your language skills:

Fluent, good, medium, basic, poor


What is your motivation for attending this training?


What are your expectations from this youth exchange (what do you want to learn, experience, how can you contribute to the success of the TC)?


Do you have any prior experience in youth exchanges, trainings? Please list and describe briefly your most recent experience.


What are three things that you would like to present your country with to the other partner countries?


Special needs (e.g. vegetarian, do not eat pork, personal assistant…):


Would you like anything else to add?





The application should be sent to office@inkluzivnipokret.org

The deadline for applications is September 20th, 2012.