Home [treninzi] “Inclusion of economically threatened young people through volunteering” – CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS

“Inclusion of economically threatened young people through volunteering” – CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS


sample_2Purpose of the training & Profile of   participants:

International training “Inclusion of economically threatened young people through volunteering” is intended for in total 30 young men and women from Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece who face social and economic exclusion due to unemployment and financial difficulties produced by today’s unfavorable economic climate and lack of jobs for young people. Participants from other countries can’t be accepted.

This training is especially intended for those young people who didn’t before participate in international education events for young people, although the participation is also open for other youngsters who did.

We are organizing this training because we feel that young people, especially those who are economically threatened and potentially faced with some sort of social and economic exclusion aren’t very much motivated to volunteer. Therefore, we want to use this project to motivate these youngsters for volunteering and help them realize benefits volunteering can offer to them in terms of personal, social and professional advancement. This effort will also be beneficial for advancement of their social and economic status, as well as it will bring benefits to communities in which project participants live.

Working language of the training will be English. However, limited interpretation and linguistic support will be available for a number of participants who speak only basic English.


Training will be hosted at Hotel “Gros” in Leskovac. Accommodation and food are paid by the organizer.

Leskovac is easily accessible and is on the route of largest railroad and highway routes in Serbia. The city is ~280km south of Belgrade and ~40km south of Nis.

All participants will have to come to Leskovac in their own arrangement, usually by bus or train.

70% of total travel costs incurred will be reimbursed. Travel costs reimbursement will only be possible in the amount of presented bus/train tickets! Participants are strongly encouraged to buy return tickets whenever possible.

More specific info concerning all logistical issues will be given to selected participants

Selection notification is expected by April 25th 2012, at the latest.

Application deadline:

Please send your application to yia@ngoserbia.com e-mail address no later than April 20th, 2012. Late applications will be refused.

If you need to download application forms go to http://www.ngoserbia.com/