Home [ volontiranje ] EVS u RUMUNIJI / Youth for You.Ro.Pe

EVS u RUMUNIJI / Youth for You.Ro.Pe


student25– Kreces 1/9/2011 do 1/7/2012

– Dobijas neverovatnu priliku da delis zivot sa jos 12 volontera iz Estonije, Francuske, Italije, Nemacke, Makedonije, Poljske i Spanije.

– Mesto: DRAGANESTI-OLT, Rumunija


– Svakog meseca dobijas oko 160 Eura za hranu i dzeparac.

– Putni troskovi obezbedjeni.

– Obezbedjeno zdravstveno osiguranje AXXA.

– Radis sa mladima iz osnovnih i srednjih skola i to u 5 razlicitih mesta.

– Putujes po seminarima gde ces upoznati jos preko 50 volontera iz Evrope.

– Na kraju projekta se vracas kuci sa YOUTHPass-om, svetski poznatim sertifikatom, koji obogacuje tvoj CV i otvara vrata uspesne karijere.

Prijavi se i ne propusti jedinstvenu priliku.

Posalji sto pre motivaciono pismo i CV na


U motivacionom pismu  molimo Vas da napisite zasto zelite da ucestvujete na ovom projektu, zasto ste odlucili da se prijavite i kako mozete doprineti razvoju ovog projekta. Pismo treba da bude na enleskom jezku.

European Voluntary Service is about exchange, learning, working, travel but with all this things the most important is to enjoy and develop in all your time.

Procitaj nesto vise o projektu:

There are many ways to look at and think about CLOSER TO YOU.RO.PE and DRAGANESTI-OLT. Would you like to explore some of them? Then you have chosen the right project and further develop your ideas together with your fellow participants.

We believe that our town has a lot of opportunities to offer and many new and nice places to discover. It is a small town with big dreams and friendly people.


The project will take place in DRAGANESTI-OLT but also in surrounding towns and villages like: Maruntei, Comani, Daneasa, Stoicanesti.

A new experience, very educational and helpful for the volunteers will be working throughout the voluntary service, in a international team. In the new context of the process of Europeanization and globalization, this will make a significant contribution in their personal development.

You will work in schools and high school in DRAGANESTI-OLT and in the surrounding villages and towns and also in the centers connected with those schools. Each activity was carefully planned and the sequence was carefully chosen as to ensure the individual volunteers and the whole team a better integration in the communities where it operates and a better knowledge of the young people that they will work with.

You are going to be involved in the following activities

– ”POSTCARD FROM ‘my community’, POSTCARD FROM EUROPE”-will be the first activity of the volunteers. Together with young people you will create postcards with chosen themes and ideas of your own and they will be sent to others schools, in the original countries of the volunteers, providing a cultural exchange.

– ”LETTER FROM ‘my community’, LETTER FROM EUROPE” – will be another activity where the interaction with young people will improve their feeling of belonging to Europe and their English level by creating letters and putting on the paper the feelings and sentiments of youth.

– ”PRINCIPAL FOR A WEEK”-in this activity volunteers will have to take some of the duties of the headmaster of the school while ensuring everything in the school is working good, closely supervised by the headmaster.

– ”WORKSHOP”-volunteers will try to improve their skills in different activities on different pre-defined, themes like: dancing, making jewelry and decorative objects, circus, making cartoons, learning foreign languages, euro-games, non-verbal language.

– “ECOLOGICAL PROJECTS”-these activities will consist in presenting environmental problems facing humanity in the future.

– ”INTERNATIONAL WEEKEND”-this is an event in which every volunteer will present his country and his traditions and culture in an attractive way.

– ”VOLUNTEERS TRAVEL GUIDE”- Draganesti Olt is a great place to start journeys to different important places, as it is just 2 hours away from the country’s most important railway node: Bucharest. If you are planning to go in a short trip, you will have to document and note precious information about the places you will visit and make a guide in which you will write the final experiences and places discovered.

– ”EUROPEAN COUNTRY DAY”-volunteers will help the young people in schools to choose an EU country and make a presentation about their chosen country, in this way promoting cultural diversity.

– ”CHRISTMAS FAIR” – the purpose of this activity is to initiate a fund-raising campaign in local communities where volunteers work, all the money obtained from it being donated to orphanages in OLT COUNTY to help some young people.

– ”YOU.RO.PE NEWS PAPER”-you will put up a newspaper in which you will play both the role of coordinator and its publishers, collecting information from young people in schools.

– ”EUROPE DAY”-within this activity you will organize in a chosen location in one of the localities where you work a series of activities for young people designed to increase their awareness of European Union and the concepts promoted by it.

– ”PUPPET THEATRE”-this activity involves the staging of plays in which actors are themselves volunteers with youth in the schools where they work.

– ”INTERCULTURAL EVENINGS”-this activity assumes that each country involved in the project will have an intercultural evening where volunteers from that country will present the traditions and customs

Extra to these activities you will have the time and some resources to put some of your ideas in practice ideas and these will be discussed and prepared with host organization O.T.I.


During your EVS you will have free language courses.

You will discover charm or Romania.

You will have chance to visit big river and surrounding, with a lot of wild places and amazing views or maybe spend weekend in the seaside.

In Draganesti Olt is not expencive life. One bread is about 25 cents, one liter of milk is about 50-60 cents, vegetables are around 1 Euro/kg, a lot more cheaper in spring and summer, chicken meat is around 2-2,5 Euro/kg, pork meat is around 3.5-4 Euro/kg, one pack of cigarettes is around 2,50 euros.

In this town you can have access to sports hall, some small pubs, one big and wild park, wild areas around the town, some disco-pubs in the nearest towns and villages.

In the hope that the information will be useful, we are waiting to discover more together.

Interested candidates should send us a CV and a letter of interest, describing what raised their interest in this project and how they consider that can bring a contribution to it. Please send e-mail onjumporganization@gmail.com

Jump organization encourage you to apply for this amazing adventure.