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Poziv za ucesnike na letnjem kampu Mreze za saradnju i razvoj Isotcne Evrope


sportCooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (www.cdnee.org) is hereby announcing a call for participants of the summer camp *“Sustainable living – Non-violence and Human Security Policy”*. This project will take place from *07th August to 17th August 2011* in Serbia and is so far financially supported by the Council of Europe, the European Youth Foundation, Green European Foundation and the Green Forum, Sweden.

The summer camp will be organized as functional model of self-sustainable community that puts into practice the principles of an environmentally friendly life-style. The accommodation will be organized in tents and activities and sessions will be outside as much as possible. Every participants will be involved in running the camp, solving problems and decision-making concerning the conditions of living and working during the camp.

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CDN Summer Camp 2011 – Call for Participants.pdf