Home [konkursi] The call for the members of the International Preparatory group

The call for the members of the International Preparatory group


student1Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (www.cdnee.org) is announcing a call for members of the international preparatory group (prep team) of the Summer Camp »Sustainable living – Non-violence and Human security policy«.

This project will take place from 7th of August to 17th of August 2011 in Serbia and is so far financially supported by the Council of Europe, the European Youth Foundation, Green European Foundation and the Green Forum, Sweden.

The summer camp will be organized as functional model of self-sustainable community that puts into practice the principles of an environmentally friendly life-style. The accommodation will be organized in tents and activities and sessions will be outside as much as possible. Everyone will be asked to take part in running the camp, solving problems and decision-making concerning the conditions of living and working during the camp.

What is the concept of this Summer Camp:

  • Annual summer gathering of young greens from Europe

  • Discuss and explore topic of the event

  • Space for CDN & FYEG to further discuss and develop organizational needs according to priorities of CDN EC and FYEG EC

  • Implemented within self sustainable community frame

  • Capacity building activity for CDN and learning process for people involved

  • Contribute to the coherence, communication, and policy development of European young green movement

  • Give active contribute to the local community encourage multiculturalism, interethnic dialogue, to respect and celebrate diversity.

What makes this CDN Summer Camp 2011 special and different?

  • Higher number of participant (Expected to be 100+)

  • Longer then usual – 10 full days

  • Interaction with local community through festival and workshops

  • Accommodation (at least mainly) in tents

  • Unknown, but for sure less developed infrastructure on the camp site

  • Unknown, but for sure limited and/or different physical set-up for lectures, workshops and other learning-related facilities for sure.

  • Necessary yet flexible participation of participants into daily management of the camp, both in decision making and implementation.

Prep team consists of Durukan Dudu, coordinator of the camp (focusing on technical preparations), Antonina Yelistratova, member of the prep team in charged for program and sessions, Marina Pejovic, member of the prep team in charged for “Festival” and assisting in communication with Serbian Young Greens and Boris Bocvanski, local host representative.

We are looking for additionally 4 people in prep team to be decided according to the call.

The call

This call is open for applicants travelling from any of the Council of Europe member states (see list below), Belarus or Kazakhstan. The prep team member should be interested in the topics of this event, willing to take active part and be available for all the planned preparatory activities, implementation and follow up of the project.

  • 10.06.2011 – 01.08.2011 – preparations period e mail and phone work and one prep team meeting participation;

  • 01.08.2011 – 20.08.2011 – final preparations on spot, implementation period, participation, and evaluation period;

  • 20.08.2011 – 18.10.2011 – reporting and follow up period – e mail work;

The advantage (but not the condition) is to have green organisation background and the experience with the topics of the event. Considering that this is a youth event the members of the prep team will not be younger then 18 and older then 35. The selection of the prep team will be done by the Executive Committee of CDN on 10th of June 2011.

The applications have to be made via electronic form that can be found on http://www.cdnee.org/index.php?option=com_forme&fid=1

DEADLINE for submitting the electronic application is 7th of June 2011 at 11 PM CET.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Durukan Dudu – dudu@cdnee.org

Antonina Yelistratova – antonina@cdnee.org

Marina Pejovic – marina@cdnee.org

Boris Bocvanski – boris@zelenaomladina.org

Role of the prep team

The prep team is expected to follow general frame and aims developed by CDN Executive Committee, develop and implement the program within these frames.

Prep team will take the responsibility for selection of participants, development, coordination, implementation and reporting of all the program and technical activities related to the project. Their work will be supported by CDN office, project host team, Coordinators of the project and the Executive Committee of CDN. It is expected that the preparations of the event will start on 10th of June. In preparation period the prep team will be in regular communications via e mail, several phone conferences will be organised based on the need of the team and the prep team will take place at least one month prior to activity start at the location of the event.

Project host team will be carried by Zelena omladina Srbije (www.zelenaomladina.org).

Preparatory meeting

During the meeting the prep team will prepare all the documents needed: program of the event, readers for the participants on the topic, information sheet about the country and general conditions and requirements, list of the group building games that will be used and the list of energizers for the mornings. Special attention will be on the good methods for handling and integrating such big group.

Furthermore, Prep team should develop strategy and plan for the implementation of both technical and program related tasks. All of the technical issues (travelling, arrival/departure, accommodation and food, learning-related facilities, material) will be discussed and decided at these meetings. Technical preparations of the Camp site will be done by project host team and CDN office, according to the general possibilities and plan prepared during the Prep team meeting. Decision on lecturers/trainers that will be invited and selection of participants will be mostly done through e communication though we will make definite choice while we are together at the prep meeting. All of the travel and lodging costs of the prep team member, connected to event preparation and realisation, will be covered by the organisers.

Representative/s of project host team will be available during the prep team meeting, Coordinators and CDN Office will support the preparation and facilitation of the meeting.


Project information 

Sustainable living – Non-violence and Human security policy

Serbia, 07 – 17 August 2011


Number of working days: 10

Working languages: English

Number of participants: 110


Description of the project:

With this camp we would like to make contribution to reducing cultural gap between east and west by giving young people informal education, democracy training and possibility to cooperate and build connections for the future. Events like this are giving young people from Easter Europe opportunities to get knowledge about other countries, their traditions and culture, share experience with other participants, develop new contacts and use it for future activism inside their organisations.


It is one of our prior aims to be the bridge for communication, education and understanding between young people all over Europe and with this event we are coming one step closer to realization of this task.

The summer camp will be organized as functional model of self-sustainable community that puts into practice the principles of an environmentally friendly life-style. The accommodation will be organized in tents and activities and sessions will be outside as much as possible.

Everyone will be asked to take part in running the camp, solving problems and decision-making concerning the conditions of living and working during the camp.


Main theme:

Through reinforcing peace culture we want to explore conflict resolution and prevention, support intercultural, inter-religious dialogue and struggle against racism, nationalism and discrimination.

We aim to gather young people across Europe, to encourage multiculturalism, interethnic dialogue, to respect and celebrate diversity.


We will support and promote Sustainable living – Ecology and environment awareness

We will encourage political activism among green youth organizations through discussions and policy development meetings

By providing open space for meetings and discussions we will enhance youth political work and cooperation, thus reinforce European green youth movement

This summer camp will evaluate and find the best ways of improving and supporting cooperation and dialog between youth from Easter and Western parts of Europe.


Methodology and planning:

Educational and learning process will be organized in accordance with Principles of non formal education and Intercultural learning.

We will arrange lectures, workshops, discussion groups, panel debates, educational games, role play, open space technology workshop and other different program elements though which we will ensure equal opportunities for all participants and give them opportunity to learn more about themes of the summer camp and to develop their own platforms for future activities, projects and cooperation

We will organize lectures, debates and discussions focusing on following issues:

  • policy of Human Security – repression of civil liberties, political and human rights

  • concept of European Security Strategy

  • role of youth in non-violence movements

  • international security – autonomous diplomatic, intelligence and planning capabilities

  • prevention, disarmament and non-military conflict resolution

  • non-military foreign policy instruments

  • role of Medias and propaganda

  • International organizations such as the OSCE and UN

  • further enlargement to Turkey and to the Western Balkan countries – boost for democracy and human rights and contribution to long term peace on European continent

We will use creative expression through arts (Dance, theater, music, painting, comics, photography…) to raise level of participation and inclusion of participants and interact with local community

We will also use these practices to organize manifestation in the public in order to support and promote nonviolence, antimilitarism and youth activism. We will invite local youth initiatives and artistic groups to join.


Council of Europe member states:














Bosnia and Herzegovina








Czech Republic





Russian Federation


San Marino


















United Kingdom



