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Bridging the gap


mladi821-24 September 2010 European Youth Centre Budapest   
Introduction: On June 16th 2010 the Council of Ministers adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)8  on Youth Information. This Recommendation is an important follow up of Recommendation (90) 7 on information and counselling for young people in Europe .

In February 2010 the partnership between the Council of Europe and ERYICA published the Youth Information Starter Kit as a supporting tool for those who are interested in setting up and developing Youth Information in their country. The Joint Coordinating Committee of the Partnership Agreement between ERYICA and the Council of Europe has agreed to organise a Colloquy, 3 years after the Colloquy on “The future of Youth information” on current developments in Youth Information and the chances and challenges which lie before us.

Draft programme Colloquy eng.doc

Call for participants colloquy 2010 (2).doc