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“Young people in divided communities!”


mladi17Exploring issues and strategies for young people and youth organisations working in divided communities
– Struga, Macedonia: 7th to 14th of September 2010 – Short Description
Nowadays there are a big number of societies around Europe that are strongly
divided/segregated on the basis of people’s different backgrounds. Youth organizations and
youth workers from such countries meet great challenges in addressing the issues arising from
these conditions, and in establishing relations and trust between young people. This project will
gather together youth and social workers who face these issues in their countries or who are
interested in developing knowledge about this subject. The learning process is intended to
develop both skills and knowledge for developmental work in this field.
Main Theme
Exploring the role of youth/social workers in divided/segregated communities which are
divided by ethnicity, religion and/or language etc.
– To explore and understand the effects of divided communities on young people
– To explore the role of young people in breaking down barriers and institutionally established
– To compare experiences of youth organisations from different divided communities from
across Europe
– To increase capacities of local organisations to work in divided communities through the
sharing of grass root methods, approaches and campaigns in tackling segregation
– To directly develop participants’ skills and competences that they need in order to work with
the target groups in their local communities
– To develop strategies for youth organisations from different divided communities to
cooperate and work together
Profile of participants
Youth and social workers (employed and/or volunteers). Priority will be given to youth and
social workers from organizations working with young people located in divided communities. It
is not necessary for organisations to be active in work against segregation and division. There is
no age limit.
Eligible countries
· Austria
· Bosnia and Herzegovina
· Bulgaria
· Croatia
· Cyprus
· France
· Kosovo
· Macedonia
· Serbia
· Slovenia
· Turkey
· United Kingdom
Practical Aspects
Dates: 7th to 14th of September 2010
Venue: The training course will take place in Struga, Macedonia. There will be accommodation
and meals provided in the training center of the Red Cross in Struga, in double and triple rooms.
The sessions will be organized in the same place.
Financial conditions: The project covers accommodation, food, materials and 70% of
participants’ travel costs, based on the cheapest means of traveling. Travel reimbursement will
be done by bank transfer after the project is finished.
Participation fee: The participants are asked to contribute by paying participation fee of 15
This project is financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe
and the Central European Initiative. More information about their work is available at:
European Youth Foundation: http://www.eyf.coe.int/fej/
Central European Initiative: http://www.ceinet.org/
Team of trainers and organizers
This project is organized by the Youth Association creACTive. More information about the work
of creACTive is available at www.cre-act-ive.org. Dragan Markoski will be responsible for
overall implementation of the project.
The activity program will be implemented by a team of trainers experienced in non-formal
education. The team is consisted of the following trainers:
Nik Paddison from the United Kingdom. Trainer profile: http://www.saltoyouth.
Oscar Konja from Serbia. Trainer profile: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toy/find-atrainer/
Dragan Atanasov from Macedonia. Trainer profile: http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toy/finda-
How to apply?
You can apply by filling in the attached Application Form and sending it to contact@cre-active.
org. Deadline for receiving application forms is 10th of July 2010. You will be informed about
the results on the 17th of July 2010. Then you will be also provided with Info-pack and activity
program of the project.
For any questions you might have please feel free to contact us at contact@cre-act-ive.org or
by phone at: +389 2 3220 994.