Home [konkursi] International Student Week in Belgrade 2010 „Do We Tolerate Intolerance?“

International Student Week in Belgrade 2010 „Do We Tolerate Intolerance?“


brigadaApplication deadline extended!
Due to a large number of students from the whole of Europe expressing interest, the organizing team of  ISWiB 2010 has decided to extend the application deadline to 15th April, 2010.

In the last few days we have received a huge number of applications, and we don’t want to stop this process with the previously announced deadline. The more quality applications we receive, the easier it will be to reach the goal of ISWiB 2010 being a gathering of 200 students, as diverse as possible in religion, race, and nationality, and, in doing so, show in the best possible way what tolerance really means. So, download the apllication form, fill it out, send it to apply@iswib.org before 15th April, 2010, and get your chance to be one of the 200 participants of  ISWiB 2010!

ISWiB 2010 Volunteer Applications

The applications process for volunteering at ISWiB 2010 is open! The volunteers will, together with the organizing team, participate in the realization of ISWiB 2010.
All high school and faculty students from Serbia fluent in English are eligible to apply.
The chosen volunteers will go through a short training course, where they will be informed about all the duties and tasks they will be expected to perform during the festival.
The application form can be downloaded here, filled out, and mailed to volunteers@iswib.org. Any questions can also be sent to the same e-mail address.
The deadline for applying is 15th May, 2010.

Important announcement!

Due to a temporary server problem, some of you may have had trouble sending your applications to apply@iswib.org. This is solved now, so please try resending your application, if you haven’t already. If this problem should happen again, and you cannot send any mail to apply@iswib.org, please try participants@iswib.org. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

ISWiB 2010 Applications are open!
ISWiB 2010. will be held from 11th to 18th July under the motto “Do we tolerate intolerance?
This year, the participants may choose one of the following workshops: Human Rights, Filmmaking, Photography, Marketing, Arts & Crafts, Youth Activism, Media, Performing Arts, Sustainable Development, and Environmental Protection.
A part from the workshops led by partner organizations, the educational program will include a panel discussion and open lectures.
As the goal of ISWiB is the breaking of national, religious, cultural and language barriers, no only through the exchange of knowledge, opinions and ideas, but also by making friends andhanging out with each other, ISWiB 2010 will be an opportunity for lots of fun, cultural manifestations, day trips, and parties.
The participation fee is 80 euros for foreign students, and covers accomodation, food and workshop materials.
For Serbian students, the participation fee is 40 euros and doesn’t cover accomodation.
All students studying at European universities, fluent in English are eligible to apply.
The application form can be downloaded here, filled out, and e-mailed to: apply@iswib.org
The deadline for applications is April 1st, 2010.
All questions may be sent to: participants@iswib.org

ISWiB 2010 preparations are underway!

ISWiB 2009 ended 5 months ago. In one week, 200 students from 42 countries faced the Challenge of Changes.
What we’ve accomplished last year gave us the will and motivation to start organizing ISWiB 2010, as early as September.
With the headline “Do We Tolerate Intolerance?”, ISWiB 2010 will be held 11th-18th July 2010.
We hope that this year’s ISWiB will outdo all the previous ones, both by quality and popularity.