Home [treninzi] Conflict Resolution and Tolerance A-SMYLE & SYLP Alumni Conference

Conflict Resolution and Tolerance A-SMYLE & SYLP Alumni Conference


student26Conference Information
This A-SMYLE and SYLP alumni conference will focus on conflict resolution and tolerance. The conference offers the opportunity for alumni from all generations to gather, develop skills, and build connections. We will learn about cooperative problem solving, constructive dialogue, tolerance, and mediation with three experienced trainers from Serbia and the US. The conference will take place in Budva, Montenegro. American Councils will provide transportation to and from the site, as well as lodging and meals during the conference.

II. Eligibility and Application Information

All persons who successfully completed the American–Serbian and Montenegrin Youth Leadership Exchange program or Serbia Youth Leadership Program exchange are eligible to attend the conference. Successful applicants will have conducted or participated in a service activity in the past year (required for application). Please email the completed form no later than 5pm on March 24, 2010 to applications@americancouncilssee.org. Remember to name all attachments with your name (e.g., RaibleApplication.doc). Answer all questions in English. Good luck!

III. Applicant Information




Current Residence:

E-mail address

Program Year:

Community in U.S.:

Mobile Phone:

Home Phone: :

Where will you be traveling to the conference from?


IV. Communities Activities

1. What are the three best (or most recent) service activities that you have taken part in? Please explain why these activities were outstanding.

2. What are some ideas you have for activities that you would like to organize or attend?

3. How will attending this conference benefit your community involvement?


3. With your application, please submit either:

  1. A detailed report on a recent activity you have been involved in. Include the goal of the activity, your role, and the outcome. If possible, include up to three photographs (be selective!).

  2. A detailed plan for an activity that you will complete by the conference. Include the goal of the activity, the dates of the action, your role, and the anticipated outcome.