Home [konkursi] Online Short Film Competition – Balkans beyond Borders

Online Short Film Competition – Balkans beyond Borders


Deadline for Submission 1 March 2010
Experiencing Europe
Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme
mladi2“Balkans beyond Borders” is an online short film competition on the subject of regional cooperation in the Balkans wider region. The call for submissions was opened on the 7th of December 2009. The BBB Competition is part of the “Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme”, a joint project from the European Fund for the Balkans, the TRANSFUSE Association and the College of Europe. The programme is made possible through support from the European Fund for the Balkans.

Online Short Film Competition – Balkans beyond Borders After further consideration and feed-back from prospective participants, the deadline for receiving submissions has been extended to the 1st of March 2010, in order to allow those who wish to send their films to dedicate more time to the production of their films, hence ensuring a better quality of submissions.

In order to apply, films need to be uploaded to a free online fileserver, like rapidshare or www.yousendit.com and the download link needs to be sent to the following e-mail address: filmcontest@balkansbeyondborders.eu, together with a short entry form, giving further information about the participants and the film.

The entry form can be found at: http://www.balkansbeyondborders.eu/bbb/files/Entry_form.pdf.

For more information please visit www.balkansbeyondborders.eu

Izvor: Mladi.info