Home [konkursi] Call for research project proposals social sciences – Serbia

Call for research project proposals social sciences – Serbia


vesti6The Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) Western Balkans, launched in 2007 and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), aims at establishing and strengthening research capacities in the area of social sciences in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. For this purpose, and besides networking and capacity building, funding is provided for research projects conducted by researchers from the region. The RRPP Management presently launches a call for proposals, open to researchers from and resident in Serbia. The research topics/project proposals to be submitted should be relevant to transition themes, and they should address and deal with specific issues at stake. Furthermore, the proposals must fit into the regional umbrella topic “Political, Social and Economic Change in the Western Balkans” and theresearch topic defined specifically forSerbia: “Governance, Social Change and Information Society”.

Budget line: Swiss Francs (CHF) 25’000 maximum for one year per project

Deadline: 12 April 2010

For detailed information: http://www.rrpp-westernbalkans.net.