Home [ volontiranje ] Regional Euro Atlantic Camp

Regional Euro Atlantic Camp


 Glava Zete, Danilovgrad,  Montenegro / 31. August –05. September 2009
The implementation of the Project titled  Regional Euro Atlantic Camp   Together  –  ” REACT 2009” ALPHA Centre,  NGO, is intending to give it’s contribution to the education of citizens about the concept, importance and the advantages of the regional cooperation, as well as about the importance of  Western Balkans Countries membership of NATO.

The first REACT 2008 was held in Crkvicko Polje, Northern Montenegro. Complete Agenda, photo story and more information here

This REACT will be done through directly contact with the students, representatives of NGOs and representatives of governments from 11 countries during a 7 lectures, 6 panel discussions,2 workshops and 1 large open debate. Lectures and panel discussions will be presented by an experts, professors and competitive speakers. The main goal is sharing this knowledge and experience in the their areas of working and living.

The place of venue is small village Glava Zete in Danilovgrad municipality ( Central Montenegro). Participants will be hosted, in hostel “ Glava Zete” which is situated near the Zeta river, one of the most beautiful river of Montenegro.

Also, some of the sports and culture activities will raise strong connection with the young people all over the region. Special focus will be paid to the comparative analysis and lessons learned from the region (especially with regards to the challenges new NATO members (Albania and Croatia) experienced on their way to Euro-Atlantic integrations). The lectures will be so conceived to try to breathe life into notions, standards and Euro-Atlantic and global processes that hardly ever been brought forward in an understandable and clear-cut way and from the angle of every day life. The panel discussion will expose to view real-life implications of the membership of the PfP and NATO (requirements to be met in the domains of ecology and environment, science cooperation and peacekeeping engagement )

The “ REACT 2009 ” will be conducted via:

– Six days camp in Central Montenegro with representatives from eleven countries : Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Czheck Republic.
– 7 lectures
– 6 panel discussions
– 2 workshops
– Study visit to military base Danilovgrad and workshop (scheduled on the third day)
– Public open debate “Pro at Contra”
– Short culture program from all countries participated.
– Rafting down the Zeta river

Topics :

Ø The role of the International community in the Balkans
Ø What is North Atlantic Treaty Organization (mission, operations, partnership – political, economic and scientist component)
Ø Experiences from different countries (experience from each eleven countries, future challenges obligations, benefits and rights)
Ø NATO – Partnership and Development/Reform.
Ø Military engagement in peacekeeping and peace support missions
Ø The role of the civil sector in Atlantic integrations
Ø Strengthening of the regional security
Ø What is the added value Balkan countries can bring with their membership to NATO in the future
Ø Membership to NATO – Ecology, tourism, economy
Ø “My reasons contra NATO membership”
Ø Open debate : “ Pro at Contra”
Ø NATO, Young at 60’s
Ø Protection of human environment / NATO special focus


Lecturers: H.E. Haakon Blankeborg, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy , Belgrade H.E. Paraschiva Badescu, Ambassador, OSCE office in Montenegro, Podgorica H.E. Leopold Maurer, Ambassador, Head of EC Delegation to Montenegro, Podgorica H.E. Roderick Moore, Ambassador, US Embassy, Montenegro Podgorica H.E. Zoltán Somogyi, Hungarian Embassy, Podgorica H.E. Veselin Sukovic, Ambassador, Chief of Montenegro Mission to NATO, Brussels Mr. Selmo Cikotic, Ministry of Defense, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms. Katrin Hett, NATO PDD Mr. Drasko Jovanovic, Vice Minister of Defense, Government of Montenegro, Podgorica General Dragan Milosavljevic, Deputy Chief of Staff Montenegro Army, Podgorica Mr. Dragan Pejanovic, Deputy Minister of Interim, Government of Montenegro, Podgorica Lt Col Terje Haverstaad, Defence Attaché, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Belgrade Lt Col Neven Kranjcec, Deputy Director NATO & PfP Department, Ministry of Defense,Croatia Mr. Vesko Garcevic, Political Director, MFA, Montenegro Dr. Jack Petri, Country Director, MPRI Mr. Zbynek Pavlacik, IC NATO director, Czech Republic PhD. Andreja Savic, Director, Academy of Diplomacy and Security, Belgrade Mrs. Lisa C. McLean, Senior Resident Director, NDI/Montenegro Mr. Robert Mikac, Head of National Centre 112, Croatia Ing. Stanislav Guláš Member of Editorial Sphere of Euro-Atlantic Quarterly, Slovak Republic Mr Kristaq Birbo , Secretary Executive of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Tirana Mr. Blagoje Grahovac, General, Yugoslav Army (retired), Podgorica Mr. Denis Hadzovic, General Secretary of Centre for Security Studies, Sarajevo Mr. Oliver Andonov,Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Security Studies- Skopje PhD Anton Bebler, Faculty of Social Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana Mr. Zoran Dragisic, Faculty of Security Studies, Univesity of Belgrade Mr. Ivan Velimir Starcevic, Representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Croatia Mr. Qemajl Marmullakaj, Researcher, Kosovo Institute for Policy Research and Development (KIPRED), Pristina Mr. Aleksandar Dedovic, Executive Director, ALPHA Centre, Niksic


Number of participants is limited.
v An applicant need to be a citizen of the Western Balkans Countries
v Applicants should prove their interest in or professional experience with the topics of the REACT 2009 -Motivation Letter of Application form
v The REACT 2009 is open to graduate (last year graduate) and postgraduate students (social / political studies, humanities or economics), scholars, researchers & experts working in think tanks and academic institutions, practitioners, employees of security sector institutions and civil servants as well as for the government and civil sector representatives dealing with euroatlantic integrations matters in the target countries
v Working language: English
v The age limit for participants at the REACT 2009 is: not older than 35 years

Note : The REACT 2009 will be conducted according Chatam House Rule Completed

Application form, CV and a Motivation Letter may be submitted to the ALPHA Centre from Jun 25th 2008 until July 25th 2009

via: Mail: NGO ALPHA Centre Manastirska 1, 81400 Niksic, Montenegro E-mail: info@alfacentar.org

Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance or additional information! Contact Persons:
Aleksandar Dedovic, Executive Director ALPHA Centre Tel. +382 40 213 080; GSM. +382 69 591 333 Email: alfahq@alfacentar.org Website: www.alfacentar.org
Sara Vahtel, Project Assistant ALPHA Centre Tel. +382 40 213 080; GSM. +382 69 265 128 Email: info@alfacentar.org

Website: www.alfacentar.org