Home [treninzi] Ko-menadžment konferencija

Ko-menadžment konferencija


 The All different – all equal Serbia in partnership with the Croatian Youth Network (Mreža mladih Hrvatske), the Forum MNE, Montenegro and the Association of Secondary school students in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ASuBiH) is announcing a call for participation in the international conference “Co-management: How does it work?” that will take place from June 20th to 26th at Palić, Serbia.

Objectives of the conference are:

• To improve participants’ knowledge and skills for applying co-management
• To discuss and agree about main principles of the co-management concept
• To identify and promote examples of good practices in implementing co-management concept
• To learn about possible approaches of applying co-management and developing mechanisms for it
• To articulate recommendations for future work and cooperation between participants in youth policy development field

This conference will gather participants active in youth civil society organizations and public officials dealing with youth issues at different levels and having the experience with the decision making. Considering this is a youth event the majority of participants should be aged between 18 and 32.

The selection of the participants will be completed by the International Team at the meeting in May 2009.

All those interested in applying are kindly asked to fill in and send the appended application form to the email address \n conference@youthserbia.org Ova adresa el.pošte zaštićena je od spam napada, treba omogućiti JavaSkript da biste je videli no later than 4th of May, at 2.00 p.m. CET.

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