Home [treninzi] South East European Knowledge Societies and the Future of Europe

South East European Knowledge Societies and the Future of Europe


 The target group for the training seminar & conference participation grants are people interested in launching, carrying out or using Foresight activities in SEE countries Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, UNMIK Kosovo.  The seminar/workshop will last from Thursday 5th of March 9.00 AM untill Friday, 6th of March 12 AM. Organisers of the training seminar:
– Bled Forum on Europe Research Association,
– Manchester Business School,
– Center for eGovernance Development for South East Europe (CeGD),
– Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) Ljubljana,
– UN Global Compact Slovenia (IEDC – Bled),
– Pook Perspectives et al.

Participants of the training seminar will also have the opportunity to participate in the X. Bled Forum on Europe Foresight conference on “Culture & Knowledge Relations ". The conference will take place on March 6th (beginning at 14:00) and Saturday March 7th 2008 (until 13:00).

The participants in the Seminar will receive basic and practical knowledge on:
– What is Foresight?
– How can foresight results be taken up by STI policy makers and practitioners especially with regard to research priorities setting?
– The practical work part of the seminar will focus on designing a SEE knowledge societies related foresight exercise in the context of EU integration. This practical work is supposed to feed into a new project initiative that will have follow-up workshops in Belgrade in May 2009 and in Istanbul in September 2009

The organisers intend to cover the costs for registration and for accommodation (half board for the days of the training seminar and the conference) for about 25 – 30 participants from SEE countries (eligible countries see above) for the participation at the foresight conference and at the training seminar. A limited number of grants for travel costs will be available upon request depending on availability of funds.

If you would like to participate at BF 2009 SEE Foresight training seminar you are kindly requested to fill in the Registration/Grant Application Form (available on internet: www.aso.zsi.at and/or www.bled-forum.org) and send it to info.cegd@cegd.eu until Monday February 9th, 2009, 12.00 CET.

A limited number of training seminar participants from non-SEE countries will be possible (especially also from Slovenia and Austria) but without financial support from the organisers.

Selection of participants and notification is planned to take place by Monday February 16, 2009

Ms. Tina Vuga (tina.vuga@cegd.eu); (office) +386 1 478 87 83

Contact for information on the Bled Forum on Europe Conference programme:
Mr. Blaž Golob (blaz.golob@cegd.eu)
Mr. Miroslav Polzer (polzer@zsi.at)