Home [konkursi] Youth Essay Competition-2009

Youth Essay Competition-2009


 We are pleased to announce the 2009 Youth Essay Competition. The competition is an opportunity for youth around the world to get involved in a global civic discussion on issues that concern them. The contest is open to young people ages 18-30 and has three general topics: Citizenship in a Democratic Society, Educational Reform and Employment Opportunities, and Entrepreneurship & Leadership. Essays should be 2,000-4,000 words in length and must be submitted by March 1, 2009.

Please see information www.cipe.org/essay.

CIPE is offering a $1,000 honorarium for the winners, and will publish the top three winning essays via its Economic Reform Feature Service, which is distributed to more than 3,000 subscribers.

Eric Hontz Program Officer, Global
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), 1155 15th Street, NW Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
T: 202.721.9200 F: 202.721.9250
E-mail: EHontz@cipe.org
Site: www.cipe.org