Home [konkursi] Short film contest “short notice”

Short film contest “short notice”


 Short film portal of the civil society debates initiative dieGesellschafter.de is launched with the film contest short notice
In our society, we call the shots. Upload your audiovisual answer to the question "In what kind of society do we want to live?" onto the dieGesellschafter.de ('the Societist's) film portal and participate in the short notice film contest. On May 2, the short film portal and contest will be presented to the wider public during the International Short film Festrival Oberhausen.

Films should address the themes outlined in the Gesellschafter.de project.
There are no genre restrictions; a wide variety of genres including documentary, short narratives, animation, mobile phone films, music clips, experimental film etc. are expressly welcomed. Anyone with something to say is invited to participate!

Films up to 15 minutes in length can be submitted in the following categories:

a) Short Stories (narrative shorts)
b) 5 Minutes of Fame (people)
c) Re-Run (short dispatches, found footage collages)
d) In Tune (music, lifestyle)
e) Reality Check (newsflashes from reality)
f) Sign Language (art, experimental, sign language)
g) Get Involved! (special category for volonteer work) in cooperation with the German Federal Working Committee for Volunteer Work

A pre-selection will be determined by online voting from which an expert jury will select the winners. The six winning films will receive prizes totalling 20,000 EUR.

Closing date: October 15, 2008.

short notice is a part of Aktion Mensch's Gesellschafter initiative. »In what kind of society do we want to live?« With this question dieGesellschafter.de approached the population almost two years ago. Since then the dieGesellschafter.de internet platform has been visited 2.2 million times and 175,000 contributions have been posted. Thus dieGesellschafter.de has become an important for political debate in Germany. Together with 75 partner organisations, Aktion Mensch is also seeking practical answers.

Approximately 5,000 grant applications for new initiatives have been submitted. And the platform offers a free database for volunteer work which networks interested volunteer works with charitable organisations. For more information please visit the project platform dieGesellschafter.de/shortnotice
