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Konkurs za mlade fotografe


 The shots Directory is a comprehensive guide to the world's advertising agencies, production companies, directors, creatives and facilities companies servicing the film and broadcast commercial industries. It is published annually by shots, the leading magazine, DVD and online resource for the world's advertising community. It also promotes the best in print advertising and has an ongoing commitment to support emerging photographers.

Each year, the Directory hosts an international Young Photographers Competition, for which photography students are invited to submit work. With all submissions based on a chosen theme, finalists' work is showcased in the Directory.

We are now inviting entries from photography students studying degree-level courses around the world.

Up to 60 entrants will be selected to have a sequence of work included in the shots Directory 2009, along with their contact and college details.

Of these, nine outstanding entries will be chosen for extended coverage in the book. Four exemplary photographers will, in addition, be profiled, and the overall winner will have his or her work featured on the cover.

Published in November 2008, the shots Directory is highly respected and used every day by the world's leading creative companies and advertising agencies. This provides finalists outstanding exposure to senior creatives, art directors, art buyers and commissioners throughout the year.

Up to 60 finalists will be featured in the directory, from which nine outstanding entries will be chosen for extended coverage. This includes three runners-up and the eventual winner, who will each be profiled in the book. In addition, one image from the overall's winner's entry will be used for the Directory's cover.

Further sponsorship and/or prizes may be announced later.

The shots Directory theme for 2009: INSTINCT

The Directory has a different theme every year. For 2009, the theme is INSTINCT. Entrants may interpret the theme freely, but the judging panel – and the advertising community – will look for original ideas and execution, as much as for the obvious quality of the images themselves.

We are specifically looking for a developing narrative over a series of between three and five images. However, each single image should also work in its own right: the ultimate winner will have one image featured on the Directory cover.
