Home [treninzi] Summer school on democratic citizenship and community building

Summer school on democratic citizenship and community building


 PushLAB and Global Pact invite you to participate in the fifth Summer school on activism for university students from all parts of Europe and the USA. The summer school consists of a three-week long, intense and fully experimental training course. By simulating the work of a real NGO you will learn all about developing your ideas to improve your community. What: Summer school on democratic citizenship and community building

Deadline: June 13 (extended)

When: July 13 – August 2

Where: Vukovar, Croatia

Further information: www.pushlab. org

Description: pushLAB and Global Pact invite you to participate in the fifth
Summer school on activism for university students from all parts of Europe
and the USA. The summer school consists of a three-week long, intense and
fully experimental training course. By simulating the work of a real NGO you
will learn all about developing your ideas to improve your community. The
Croatian town of Vukovar, where unemployment, ethnic segregation and
destroyed houses are reality will serve as learning ground for putting your
ideas into practice and will try to have a real impact on the lives of the
citizens of Vukovar. You will learn to work in a multicultural environment,
consisting of a group of about 40 students. There will be American students
of all backgrounds as well as students from all over Europe, including the
youth of Vukovar. Together you will try to find solutions to actual problems
in Vukovar, you will hang out, go out and learn about one another's
differences and similarities. The working language is English.

The training will take place in Vukovar from July 13 to August 2, 2008.
Participants will be accommodated in hotel Dunav in the town centre.
The application deadline is June 13. Scholarships are available.

For further details please visit www.pushlab. org or email
info@pushlab. org<info%40pushlab. org>

www.pushlab. org