Home [ volontiranje ] Youth organization of Helsinki Alliance – Youth Camps in Finland (summer 2008)

Youth organization of Helsinki Alliance – Youth Camps in Finland (summer 2008)


 Youth organization of Helsinki Alliance
Invite YOU to our Youth Camps in Finland this Summer 2008. It is a very good opportunity to see Finland in the best and warm time of the year. Camps are for children and youth from 8 till 30 year old. . This summer our camps will pass in two picturesque places.

1) 18 July – 20 July 2008.

Meriharjun kurssikeskus. Camp for children and youth.

Meriharjun kurssikeskus – Beautiful ancient Villa with an old fireplace inside placed in Vuosaari. The place is located East Helsinki city boundaries on Vuosaari Island. Near this place locates the Farm with horses, cows and bulls. The Villa is located in natural nature park where you being in immediate proximity from city want to walk hours breathing pure wood air.

There are all conditions for peacefully rest and entertainments. Playgrounds, places for a grill, a sauna every evening, own beach. At desire it is possible to visit city Helsinki, as absolutely nearby there is a bus stop. By bus you can reach in 5 minutes nearest Metro Station. Also absolutely nearby is Itäkeskus the big shopping mall and Center of East Helsinki. There is the biggest pool in Helsinki with several saunas, gym room, fabulous Jacuzzi, waterslides and Solarium place.

The Villa is for carrying out of various actions and events. On the third floor there are some rooms for holding conferences, classes and courses. There is completely equipped kitchen, a dining room and the big beautiful hall with grate fireplace.

On the Villa house there are 45 sleeping places – rooms of capacity from 3 up to 12 persons. Shower rooms are separately in the same building. On each floor toilets (WC) and besides it many rooms are equipped by washstands and toilets (WC). Internet cable connection is available on Villa, also possible to set up the WiFi – Wireless Internet connection.

Hurry up with writing us – places are limited!

Price: 90 euro per person – all period inkl. Full board: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For big groups possible some discount.

Variants staying on Villa with not full time are considered. The price for one day is managing separately.

Applications are accepted till 30th June 2008.

For contact, additional Information and applications please use:
E-mail: iskander_lazar@yahoo.com, alliance2002@bk.ru
T. +358 44 567 6656
Alexander Yudin-Lazarev.

Also if you want to receive our color brochure with pictures of this place, just e-mail us.

2) 25 July – 31 July 2008.

Bengtsår Island – Youth Tent Camp in National Nature Park. Bengtsårin leirisaari.

Summer Tent Camp for youth on Bengtsår Island – is on one of islands between Turku and Helsinki. Not so far away from seaport Hanko.

Grate Island Adventure waiting You with residing in tents on a bosom of the nature in Reserve Nature Park. Accommodation on one of Island parts. On island in daytime works great Dining House. Also Yacht Club with boats, water bicycles, a canoe, kayaks and See catamarans (work free of charge).

On seacoast you could take some hours and have a rest in Finnish sauna. Every Camp place on Island are with places for a grill, the toilets, the roof covered and equipped Summer kitchen (with an opportunity of carrying out of some events and actions under a roof, like training, seminars and courses), an electricity, cold water and own pier.

Camp Place with tents by capacity from 2 persons up to 12 persons is established. Under each tent there are wooden floorings on the ground. It is recommended to take your own tent. The boat is allocated for all time of stay on Island to each Camp Place. The boat is with the motor and with a stock of fuel. It is possible to do excursions around of Island and also to fish to inveterate fishermen.

From Island on the big coast the ferry connection provided. Camp is for up to 50 people. More people is allowed with own tents. Price: 100 euro per person – all period inkl. Full board: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Variants staying on Bengtsår Island with not full time are considered. The price for one day is managing separately.

In case of need we provide with visa invitations and support.

Applications are accepted till 5th July 2008. Hurry up with writing us – places are limited!

For contact, additional Information and applications please use:
E-mail: iskander_lazar@yahoo.com, alliance2002@bk.ru
T. +358 44 567 6656
Alexander Yudin-Lazarev.

Also if you want to receive our color brochure with pictures of this place, just e-mail us.

Posible to organize programme for all days, but you should request about it in advance.

With best regards,
Alliance ry
Alexander Yudin-Lazarev
Youth department head
T. +358445676656