Home [konkursi] Junior Fulbright Program

Junior Fulbright Program


seminar.jpegThe Fulbright Program supports educational exchanges that strengthen understanding and communication between the United States and over 140 countries. It is an effective and prestigious form of public diplomacy. The Program has enriched the lives of over 225,000 men and women and has brought some of the world’s finest minds to U.S. campuses. It offers insight into U.S. society and values to future leaders from around the world.

More than 1,300 new Foreign Fulbright Fellows enter U.S. academic programs each year. IIE arranges academic placement for most Fulbright nominees and supervises all grantees during their stay in the United States.

Many Fulbrighters are young professionals who will return to responsible positions in their home countries. They often are involved in building institutions and government service when they return home.

Foreign students apply for Fulbright Fellowships through the binational Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassies in their home countries.

Scholarship / Financial aid: full, to selected students
Date: undefined
Deadline: varies from one country to another (usually end July)

For further information visit www.iie.org