Home [treninzi] Međunarodna letnja škola iz Monetarne Makroekonomije – stipendije za akademce

Međunarodna letnja škola iz Monetarne Makroekonomije – stipendije za akademce


 The ZEI International Summer School brings together young economists for a series of lectures covering the current frontiers of research in their area of interest and an opportunity for stimulating discussions and presentations of their own research to a group of international scholars.

Participants: Advanced doctoral students, post-docs, assistant professors and central bank economists.

Topics: dynamic general equilibrium models, monetary policy transmission, money demand, the political economy of central banking, interest rate rules, monetary policy operating procedures, open economy macroeconomics.

Accommodation: The ZEI International Summer School will take place at a seminar center near Bonn (Telekom Training Tagungshotel Bad Honnef).

Cost: Participants are expected to pay for their own transportation and accommodation. Room rates are 100 euro per day including breakfast and lunch. The conference fee is 1500 euro. Stipends for academic participants are available.

Presentations: Presentations must be based on a paper, which has to be submitted for duplication by June 10.

Application and information: Applicants should send an abstract of the paper they wish to present together with a short curriculum vitae and a letter of recommendation to:

Professor Juergen von Hagen (vonhagen@uni-bonn.de )

Lennestrassse 37, 53113 Bonn, Germany.

