Home [konkursi] Express yourself! Make your own one-minute video and enter theoneminutesjr competition!

Express yourself! Make your own one-minute video and enter theoneminutesjr competition!


 Do you have something to say?
Are you older than 12 and younger than 21?
Express yourself! Make your own one-minute video and enter theoneminutesjr competition!

Get your views across by making a video lasting exactly 60 seconds – the style it completely your own choice. It could be a music video, a film, a short documentary, an animation, a cartoon or something completely different.

There are three categories and the winners of all three will be presented with a Tommy award and a JVC digital camcorder at the oneminutes festival in Amsterdam in 2008. If your one-minute excites our jury then it will be nominated and shown at the festival. All nominees will be invited to Amsterdam for the weekend.

Every video we receive will be shown on the website www.theoneminutesjr.org. The visitors of the website choose their own favorite, and this video wins the People's Choice Award.

Per category, 40 best videos will be send to the Tokyo Video Festival sponsored by JVC, where the winner can win a trip to Japan!

The three categories of the competition are:

Open category: the best of the world Jr.
Any topic or theme is allowed, as long as you believe your minute is the best of the world.

Thematic category: inside-out
Sometimes we all feel like we belong, and other times we feel left out. This can be a choice we make or something that happens against our will. Make a one-minute telling your experience, your opinion.

Personal category: self-portrait
Who are you? What do you stand for? What are your dreams, fascinations, fears, hopes and passions? Where do you come from? What do you see around you? Say who you are in your own way.

Deadline:The 2008 competition is open for one minute videos until 1 April 2008.
More information at www.theoneminutesjr.org
Or www.eurocult.org