Home [ volontiranje ] Otvoren poziv za dugoročno volontiranje u Španiji

Otvoren poziv za dugoročno volontiranje u Španiji


Vega OC poziva mlade da se prijave na ODOBRENE dugoročne ESC volonterske projekte u organizaciji Associació Cultural Tudanzas iz Španije:


  • TUDANZAS’20-21 Volunteer – Umetnost i zajedništvo (početak: 19/10/2020, kraj: 19/05/2021)
  • TUDANZAS’20-21 Volunteer–Menadžment u kulturi (početak: 05/10/2020, kraj: 08/05/2021)
  • TUDANZAS’20-21 Volunteer – General activities (početak: 05/10/2020 , kraj: 06/05/2021)


Trajanje projekta: 8 meseci (oktobar 2020 – maj 2021)

Mesto: Barselona (Španija)

Teme projekta: umetnost, kultura, organizacija festivala
Broj volontera: ukupno 3, po jedan za 3 različita projekta

Uslov: mladi uzrasta od 18 do 25 godina


ROK ZA PRIJAVU:25. avgust!


Način prijave:Molimo sve zainteresovane da nam pošalju svoje biografije (CV) i motivaciono pismo na mail vegayc.youthmobility@gmail.com, sa naslovom „Prijava za ESC Tundanzas Španija – ime i prezime“.




European Solidarity Corps – ESC – omogućava mladima da uče i razvijaju se, a u isto vreme doprinose zajednici zemlje u kojoj volontiraju. Program pokriva troškove vize, smeštaja, hrane, određene troškove puta, zdravstvenog osiguranja i džeparac.






TUDANZAS is an artistic-social movement that facilitates the generation of collective artistic initiatives that encourage sustainable social development in the territory.

The TUDANZAS Cultural Association is an entity constituted in 2015, born from what was the TUDANZAS platform since 2012 in the neighborhoods of Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera, Barcelona.





Age: 18- 25 years old

  • Connected with and love art, art performances and communitary art projects, willing to open art to everybody
  • Conscious of group working and curious about permaculture
  • Like to know people, to love people, in a international community
  • Open to challenge, wanting to learn from and with others, not afraid of making mistakes or not knowing once and learning from that
  • Communicative and ability to listen, to accept differences, laugh at yourself if needed
  • Open heart, positive attitude, transparent, humble, be ready to help
  • Taking responsibility, proactive, see work and things to do, be creative in finding solutions, do a lot with 0 euro, pay attention to the details, do not stop at half work, finalise till the end (and a bit more)
  • Be on time, not afraid of a long working day with physical work, capable of following instructions
  • Experience in volunteering and basic knowledge of English
  • Ethical and not dogmatic about ideology






“TUDANZAS’20-21 Volunteer – Cultural Management” is a project that aims to include (over 7 months in Barcelona – Sant Pere neighborhood, Santa Caterina and La Ribera) a young European volunteer in a community platform that generates artistic-social projects that promote the collective social interaction through art as a common good – TUDANZAS Cultural Association. Throughout this experience, the young volunteer will support more specifically the cultural management and production of TUDANZAS initiatives: TUDANZAS Social Festival; TUDANZAS Community Art Markets; Community Art Gallery; TDZ-X Talks and other events of the Association.



The Project “To be a Volunteer TUDANZAS’20” is a project, in which in a practical way includes the volunteer in the context of community art in the neighborhood of Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera in Barcelona. The presence of the volunteer will enhance all existing and new TUDANZAS activities that may arise. It also makes the principles and bases of this collective increasingly robust, because since its genesis it believes in volunteering as an enhancer of a more inclusive and solidary society, which is built with the cooperation of everyone. In these 7 months the volunteer will support and help the TUDANZAS team in different projects and activities, being able to learn, from the practice, dynamics of TUDANZAS Cultural Association with a horizontal structure and self-management.




Tudanzas’20-21 Volunteer – Art and Community, is a project that the main objective is to integrate a young European volunteer into the artistic and community creation processes of the TUDANZAS Cultural Association. Integrated in the TUDANZAS team, over 7 months in the CascAntic neighborhood (Barcelona), the volunteer will cooperate with theirdifferent collective artistic initiatives that encourage sustainable social development in the territory through art. Throughout 7-month activity, the young volunteer will support the Artistic development of: TUDANZAS creation laboratories; Community Art Projects; TUDANZAS Social Festival; Community Art Market; Gallery-TDZ; TDZ-Talks; and other TUDANZAS projects: co-construction, cooperation and solidarity initiatives through “art as a common good “and a vehicle for social transformation.


Za sva eventualna pitanja i pomoć volonterima, stojimo vam na raspolaganju na mail-u vegayc.youthmobility@gmail.com.