Home [treninzi] Urban Youth Seminar – 12-16 December 2007 – France

Urban Youth Seminar – 12-16 December 2007 – France

gifs.gifThe SALTO Inclusion Resource Centre is cooperating with the French NA (INJEP), within its strategy to promote the inclusion of a variety of specific target groups with fewer opportunties in the YOUTH programme. SALTO Inclusion will base one of its upcoming publications about the thematic of urban youth on this seminar.

Aims & Objectives of the Urban Youth Seminar

  • Explore and analyse how international youth projects can be used to work with young people in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas
More concretely:
  • present good practices of previous urban youth projects and deduce principles for working effectively with this target group
  • develop how the Youth in Action projects can contribute to change in young people's lives living in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas
More information online at www.salto-youth.net/urbanseminar/

We are looking for Participants for the Urban Youth Seminar

There will be places for 60 participants at the Urban Youth seminar. We are looking for participants with the following profile:
  • people directly working with youth in difficult or disadvantaged (sub)urban areas – this can be (voluntary or paid) youth workers, social workers, educators, peers and others who are working with/organising projects for the target group in these areas.
  • who have organised/implemented international youth projects and cooperation activities in (sub)urban areas before – either within the YOUTH programme or other programmes or initiatives.
  • who have a good working knowledge of (international :-)English, the working language of the seminar
  • available to actively attend the full duration of the course
  • willing to participate into a follow-up questionnaire 6 months after the training course.

Interested applicants that fit the Target Group description above can apply via the online application form www.salto-youth.net/applicationonline/144.html before 1 November 2007

Resources for Urban Youth Work – contribute yours!

Part of the development of the Urban Youth Seminar & the SALTO Urban Youth booklet based on the seminar, is a collection of youth work resources which are specifically useful for working with young people in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas.

Maybe you want to help us out? If you know of any useful resources; send them to us (tony@salto-youth.net)

  • e.g. Training manuals, youth work guides, methodologies, urban initiatives…
  • Funding opportunities specifically for urban Youth projects (e.g. foundations specialising in urban development…)
  • International institutions, organisations, agencies that organise activities for urban youth…
  • Information about previous projects, good practices, successful initiatives to improve the situation of urban youth
SALTO Inclusion has already created Youth Work Resource Pages for different specific target group (www.salto-youth.net/InclusionGroups/) and would like to add a special one about Urban Youth. And your contributions can also be integrated in the booklet that will be based on the Urban Youth Seminar.