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Open Call for the Award of Small Grants – AT RISK YOUTH SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT NETWORK (ARYSE)


AT RISK YOUTH SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT NETWORK (ARYSE) Announces Open Call for the Award of Small Grants to support the implementation of civil society organisations’ projects for the improvement of social inclusion of at risk children and youth in Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia.


This Open Call for the Award of Small Grants is announced under the “ARYSE (At Risk Youth Social Empowerment)” project, implemented by NGO Juventas (Montenegro), the project coordinator, with the partner organisations: ARSIS (Albania), Association MARGINA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), HOPS (Macedonia), Labyrinth (Kosovo), Prevent (Serbia) and SHL Foundation (Germany).

The overall aim of this project is to contribute to achieving the social inclusion of the most at risk youth in the West Balkans, by strengthening CSOs capacities, regional/national cooperation and advocacy actions.

The overall aim of the open call for small grants is to contribute to the improvement of social inclusion of children and youth at risk in Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia through strengthening the role of CSOs as relevant actors in service delivery and in the advancement of local and national policies and practices.

The overall indicative amount made available under this Open Call for Small Grants is 210.000, 00 EUR or 35.000,00 per country.

The maximum amount of any grant requested under this call is 10.000,00 EUR.

The deadline for submission of project proposals is 22nd of October.


For more information about main topics of this call, procedure of application and criteria of selection, please consult Guidelines for submission of project proposals included in the Application package – Annex A – Application form Annex B-Project Budget ANNEX C – LFA ANNEX D – applicant statement ANNEX E – Partner statement.