Home [treninzi] Training course for organizations working with EVS exchanges with South East Europe

Training course for organizations working with EVS exchanges with South East Europe


sample-11.jpgDuration of activity: 02. – 08. October 2007 . Location of activity: Livno , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organizer: South East European Youth Network .Host organization: Youth Centre Livno

Deadline for applications: 16th of September

Applications should be sent to training@seeyn.org.

We are looking for organizations from Programme and SEE countries. We already have participants from 11 different countries but we also have open places for more participants.

Participants should be actively involved (youth workers, organization managers or board members, project coordinators, supervisors and mentors) in an organisation that is willing and able to host and send volunteers within European Voluntary Service involving SEE countries.

More information:
Domagoj Kovacic
SEEYN Steering Board President
Centar Mladih Livno / Youth Centre Livno
Fra Andjela Kaica 9b
80 101 Livno
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel./Fax: 00387 34 204 046
e-mail: cmlivno@cmlivno.org
web: www.kampovi.ba