Home [stipendije] Internship Call – The ICBC Institute, AEBR Balkans and CESCI Balkans

Internship Call – The ICBC Institute, AEBR Balkans and CESCI Balkans


The ICBC Institute (Institute for International and Cross-Border Cooperation), AEBR Balkans (Center for Balkans of the Association of European Border Regions) and CESCI Balkans (Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives Balkans) are providing internship possibility for university students and nearly graduated students for the following positions:


  • Administration
  •  Communication
  •  Research
  • Translation (English, Hungarian, German, Spanish or other languages).

We expect students who are interested in cross-border development and cooperation. At the same time the intern may get an insight to the activity of the most successful cross border cooperation along the
European borders.

Place of work: Belgrade & Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
Working time: 20 h per week (flexible time schedule)
In order to apply, please fill following link> https://goo.gl/forms/ysy00kaVLFAsLtr62