Home [konkursi] U. S. Steel Serbia Suports Students

U. S. Steel Serbia Suports Students


 We invite all interested students from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy who will begin with studies at the Belgrade University this year – from October 2007. or attend first or second year of studies to apply for the U. S. Steel Serbia Scholarship program of total amount of 8,000.00 EUR for 4 years of studying

There is a tradition within United States Steel Corporation, of providing scholarships to the students and starting from this school year (2007/2008), U. S. Steel Serbia will initiate their own scholarship program.

All students that will begin with studies at the Belgrade University this year (from October 2007), or are at 2nd year of the studies, will be eligible to apply.

Total value of the scholarship is going to be 8,000.00 EUR during four years of studies, or 2,000.00 EUR on annual basis per person!

The applications, with letter of interest and the average mark during 1st year of studies or the marks from the high school, should be sent to Mrs. Renee M. Shaffer, who is in charge of this project within U. S. Steel Serbia to the following e-mail address: RMshaffer@cs.uss.com

The final dead line for sending applications is Friday, August 31st. 2007.

Average marks certificates needs to be approved by the officials in High Schools or Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy. These applications will be forwarded to the University of Belgrade for selection of the best student.

This way U. S. Steel Serbia would like to support the best students that are going to be the leaders in their areas of work. In addition to that, recipients will be offered summer employment within U. S. Steel Serbia during their course of studies.

One student that will receive scholarship will have to sign contract with our Company. They will have to keep the level of their marks during years of studies, and of course, if their marks fall below 8.0, the scholarship will not be renewed.

We would like to convey a message to all students who are interested for our Scholarship program to consider this as an opportunity of their educational improvement, and of course, as a possibility of future employment within this company.

U. S. Steel Serbia, d.o.o. continues to be a socially responsible member of our community and this is just another step in providing help to educate our Serbian youth.

Rok za konkurisanje : 31.08.2007.
