Home [treninzi] European Volunteering Forum – seminar

European Volunteering Forum – seminar

On the occasion of 20 years of EVS, the European Volunteering Forum offers the opportunity to promote the impact of transnational volunteering, learn from good practices, identify current challenges and develop perspectives for the future.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is an extended call for applicants from Programme countries and Partner countries in the Western Balkans.
Participants from Turkey as well as Partner countries in the region of Eastern Europe and Caucasus, the Russian Federation and the EuroMediterranean region have already been selected and no further applications from these countries are possible!

Are you interested in…
…promoting the impact of transnational volunteering?
…discussing challenges and benefits of transnational volunteering and developing perspectives for the future on the background of the current socio-political and economic climate in Europe?
…celebrating 20 years of the European Voluntary Service programme?
…networking with participants coming from different organisations involved in transnational volunteering?
…doing all of this with participants coming from all over Europe, the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, Russia and the countries south of the Mediterranean?
Then this activity might be for you.


The current economic, social and political challenges that we are facing today in Europe and its neighbouring partner regions call more than ever for a stronger promotion and recognition of the benefits and impact of transnational volunteering, such as encouraging civic engagement, youth participation, active solidarity, tolerance and acceptance of diversity, intercultural awareness, European citizenship etc.

This year, we are also witnessing the 20th anniversary of the European Voluntary Service. Over the past twenty years, around 100,000 young volunteers have offered their service within an EVS project to an organisation in another country, supported by their sending and receiving organisations in diverse social and cultural environments.

We are also approaching the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ programme (2014 – 2020), and EVS as an important part of it: time to make suggestions and recommendations and develop perspectives for the future of EVS.

Based on this background, the European Volunteering Forum offers the opportunity to celebrate and promote the impact of long-term transnational volunteering on people, organisations and communities, learn from different examples of practice in the field, identify current challenges, define future perspectives and encourage networking across Europe and beyond.

The specific OBJECTIVES of the Forum are to:
• Raise the visibility of the relevance of transnational volunteering in Europe and its neighboring regions
• Discuss main benefits and challenges of transnational volunteering
• Share experiences and examples of practice
• Develop perspectives for the future of transnational volunteering
• Encourage networking among the participants
• Celebrate 20 years of EVS


The Forum targets around 50 participants from organisations involved in transnational volunteering – EVS as well as other programmes – coming from all Erasmus+ neighbouring partner regions and programme countries.

Participants should:
• live in a Programme Country or a Neighbouring Partner Country of the Erasmus+ programme (*)
• be actively involved (as coordinators, supervisors, mentors etc.) in transnational volunteering programmes implemented by their organisation or institution (EVS or other)
• have enough experience with transnational volunteering to share and discuss with the other participants
• be motivated and able to stay for the full duration of the forum.
• be able to actively participate in the programme in English.

You can find more information and the draft programme in the attached pdf-version of the Call.

Available downloads:


SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre (SALTO)

The Forum is hosted by SALTO SEE Resource Centre and organised jointly with the German, Italian, Slovenian, Spanish and Turkish National Agencies for the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme and the SALTO EuroMed and Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centres.

Contact for questions:

Sonja Mitter

E-Mail: sonja.mitter@mva.si

Phone: 00386 1 430 47 47

Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.


Full board and lodging of all selected participants will be covered by the organisers.
Travel costs of participants coming from Programme countries will be covered by the National Agency in the participant’s country. Travel costs of participants coming from neighbouring partner regions will be covered by the respective SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centre (SALTO EuroMed, SALTO EECA or SALTO SEE).

Please check the attached pdf document for the list of Programme countries and neighbouring partner countries.