Home [njuz] Poziv za trening u Peći “Quality volunteering projects for nature conservation in...

Poziv za trening u Peći “Quality volunteering projects for nature conservation in rural areas” – 25. 6 – 3. 7. 2016



GAIA Kosovo & WWF Adria are organizing 9-day training course for youth workers, volunteers and activists interested in long-term programs for nature conservation, with the focus on voluntary and youth projects in rural and remote areas. The training course will take place in the town of Peja, situated in western part of Kosovo and surrounded with the beautiful and wild Rugova Mountains.



The training course will focus on 3 main topics:

– nature conservation in theory and practise

– grass-root youth and voluntary programs in nature conservation

– reconnection with nature through spiritual ecology (awakening senses and ecological self)


The aims of this training course are:

– Improving, creating and experimenting with new and innovative tools for organizing youth projects and specific activities within projects in direct cooperation with rural/remote communities and youth organization active or based in those communities

– Strengthen partnership among initiators and other organizations active in the region in the field of nature conservation through youth & voluntary work

During this training course, we will learn, experience and discuss some of the following topics:

– SCI & nature conservation / climate for peace program

– different youth & volunteering programs in nature conservation

– work that reconnects deep ecology, systems theory and spiritual traditions

– nature conservation – history, achievements and current policies

– opportunities and role of youth organization for working in nature conservation in rural areas

– good and bad practises in nature conservation strategies

– stakeholders in nature conservation

– defining needs in nature conservation and initiating programs/projects

– social inclusion and nature conservation

– project cycle management in nature conservation

– developing pilot programs (i.e.NP Sharr)

We are looking for 28 participants from Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Albania and Turkey, interested in the topic, willing to develop long-term programs for nature conservation, and interested in reconnection with people and nature. Advantage will be given to SCI activists, volunteers and staff.

The application form is available at this LINK.

Practical aspects:

Accommodation and food will be covered through the project. Food will be veganwith vegetarian option, seasonal and domestic as much as possible.

Travel costs will be covered 100% for participants who come by land, and 60% to participants who travel by plane, but we still strongly advise travelling by planet-friendly means of transport.

This training will be followed up with two activities:

1. Youth Exchange (YE), which will take place in Brezovica, National Park Sharr, situated on the south of Kosovo; partner organizations (VCV Serbia, SCI Hellas, DEM Macedonia, CVS Bulgaria, VUK Croatia, GAIA Kosovo) – the call will be published soon as well 

2. Partnership Building Activity (PBA) in November in Gračanica, small town situated in central Kosovo.