Home [stipendije] Comtrade Scholarship

Comtrade Scholarship


The Faculty of Computer and Information Science and Comtrade offer a Comtrade Scholarship for full-time study at the Master’s level at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia, for female foreign citizens from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and FYR Macedonia enrolling in the Master’s programme in the academic year 2016/2017.


Funding will be provided for one scholarship for study at the Master’s programme in Computer and Information Science.

The accepted candidate will be granted a scholarship in the amount of 420 euro per month for two consecutive years paid by Comtrade.

The Comtrade scholarship holder has to:

  • fulfil her study requirements and complete her studies at the Master’s level in two years,
  • prepare her master thesis on a topic preferably related to Comtrade business topics and carried out as a research in cooperation with Comtrade,
  • work at Comtrade for one month during summer holidays (e.g. EDIT tutor, work on the delivery of projects, internal trainings) for no special reimbursement other than the provided Comtrade scholarship,
  • attend a small number of events promoting scholarship support during, and wherever convenient, after completing her study,
  • be a full time student and avoid any kind of working activities at other companies except activities as a tutor at the faculty (max two hours per week),
  • in case that study is not completed within a year after the termination of the two year scholarship, reimburse the scholarship paid by Comtrade, with default interest.

Full version of the Call for Applications is available here.

For more information please contact Student Affairs (studinfo@fri.uni-lj.si).

Applications should be sent no later than 31 August 2016.