Home [ volontiranje ] EVS u Nemačkoj – Volonterski centar Vojvodine

EVS u Nemačkoj – Volonterski centar Vojvodine


Service Civil International (SCI) ogranak iz Nemačke će, sad već tradicionalno, da ugosti na godinu dana, nekog od volontera iz Srbije, od marta 2016. Ako imate između 18 i 30 godina, iskustva na kampovima, upoznati ste sa SCI vrednostima i baratate bar osnovama nemačkog jezika, pošaljite svoj CV na engleskom jeziku i prijavu koja se nalazi na kraju teksta, na ltv@volontiraj.rs, najkasnije do petka, 30. oktobra.


Number of vacancies: 2 – one volunteer from Russia, one volunteer from Serbia

Start of the volunteer position: 1st of March 2016. The service time will include the participation in the placement officer training in early spring 2016. The dates of the training are not fixed yet.

Duration of voluntary service: 13 months, until 31st of March 2017

Who can apply? Applicants with interest in workcamps, international co-operation, office- and administration work
General Information on SCI

Service Civil International (SCI) is a peace and voluntary service organisation with more than 45 branches and groups world-wide. The aims are to promote peace, international understanding and solidarity, social justice, sustainable development, and respect for the environment. SCI believes that all people are capable of living together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflicts. The organisation was founded in 1920.

In co-operation with social, ecological, cultural and anti-racist projects SCI-Germany organises about 50 workcamps every year. We do also other activities, like seminars, trainings, exchange of long-term-volunteers, but the main activity of our branch is to organize international and bilateral workcamps within Germany and to send volunteers to workcamps abroad.

For more information on the history, aims and international structures of SCI visit the website of SCI Germany www.sci-d.de or SCI International www.sciint.org or of the branch in your home country.

The project

The aim of the position, besides doing the placement, is to enable the volunteers to get acquainted with the work of SCI Germany and to provide a meaningful training experience in an organisation of international exchange and volunteer work. The chosen applicants will be encouraged to take part in different activities of the branch. They will be under the supervision of the project co-ordinators for international or bilateral exchange programmes.

An additional aim is to strengthen the co-operation of SCI Germany with the sending organisation in projects, trainings, communication, common activities etc. For this the volunteers who apply should have and describe some experience with the sending organisation, if possible.

The main tasks of the volunteers will be:
• Placing volunteers from Germany to workcamps abroad, mainly in Western and Eastern Europe and Overseas (outgoing)
• Placing volunteers from abroad into workcamps in Germany
• Represent the work of SCI Germany in social networks and support the PR work
• During the workcamp-season the volunteers will help to prepare the routine jobs, such as answering the phone & e-mails. Reliable communication with other SCI-Branches, partners and volunteers is very important.
• Assisting the project coordinators with projects (depending in interest and qualification of the volunteers) like campleaders’ trainings, seminars, public relations, Travelling Workcamp, summer school, etc. (the concrete activities are not yet defined)
• If interested the volunteers can lead an international workcamp in Germany

To prepare for the work the volunteers will participate in an international training for placement officers in spring 2016, dates and place are not fixed yet. In this training they will get to know many other volunteers who are going to support the work of other SCI offices all over Europe.

Accommodation/Pocket money/Food/Working hours/Holidays:

• The volunteers will be provided with free accommodation in a flat for volunteers, which is in the same house as the SCI-office. To the house belongs a garden which can be used by the volunteers. In return they are expected to mow the lawn regularly.
• The volunteers will receive a monthly food allowance of 260 €.
• The volunteers will get 110 € pocket money per month.
• Regular working hours are 35 hours per week but some overtime may be necessary (free time will be given in lieu). It is necessary to be ready to work sometimes on weekends (workcamps, seminars etc.)
• The volunteers will have two days of vacation per month (can be accumulated).
• If needed, the volunteers will be enabled to join language training. The volunteers will participate in the online-language training of the European Commission for EVS volunteers.
• The volunteers will be insured through the group plan for EVS volunteers.

• Good knowledge of English and preferably also working or at least basic knowledge of German (in order to communicate with German volunteers and to advise them by phone or E-Mail)
• Experience and motivation to do mundane office work, computer literacy
• Good communication skills to motivate and counsel volunteers over the phone
• Experience and motivation to work with social media to promote our workcamps and projects online
• Preferably already experience in the field of workcamps and involvement in SCI
• To work in a very reliable and responsible way
• Flexibility, maturity and ability to handle stress
• Ability to work in a team with staff members and with other volunteers
• Independent and self-organised working attitude
• Open minded and high motivation for volunteer work
• Ready to travel a number of times during your service within Germany, mostly for the participation in the seminars

The project is open to everyone regardless of their ethnic background, religious conviction or sexual orientation. Due to the circumstances of our office and the accommodation we cannot host volunteers with physical impairment (wheelchair etc.). We encourage men and women to apply for the project. We would like to host a man and a woman.

application form