Home [treninzi] Open Call for participants – Study Session: Bordering on the possible –...

Open Call for participants – Study Session: Bordering on the possible – Migration, Policy-making and Youth


migrations-300x149Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe is announcing a call for participants for Study Session “Bordering on the possible ­ Migration, Policy-­making and Youth” which is taking place in European Youth Centre in Budapest, Hungary from 7th to 14th of June. This Study Session will gather 35 participants from various backgrounds related to the topic and provide them space to explore how youth organizations can increase their participation in shaping national and international migration policies in Europe.


The DEADLINE for submitting filled-in application is 17th of April 2015 at midnight (CET). More information about the project, together with application form can be found on project page.

Working language of the seminar is English, thus the applicants are expected to have working level of it.

Accommodation (logging, food, refreshments) and travel costs are fully covered by organizers. The participation fee is 50 EUR.

The call is open for applicants coming from Council of Europe member states, Kosovo, Belarus and Kazahstan.

Go to project page.