Home [ volontiranje ] Poziv za kamp u Kuterevu, Hrvatska – HR-VAk 10.4 land for the...

Poziv za kamp u Kuterevu, Hrvatska – HR-VAk 10.4 land for the bears II

Utočište za medvede u Kuterevu ima još slobodnih mesta na kampu koji organizuju. Kamp počinje 25. juna… PRIJAVITE SE!  
 Više informacija o kampu možete pronaći ovde:  https://www.workcamps.info/icamps/HR-VCZ/en/camp-details/camp-6777.html

Kuterevo Bear Refuge is calling for more volunteers to come and help with construction of new homes for orphan bears. After Land for the bears in May, we decided to organize another worcamp with the same topic and same title: HR-VAK 10.4 Land for the bears 2 (sounds like Ice age 1, Ice age 2, no? :)) which is starting on 25th of June!

Please, promote our new workcamp among your volunteers. For more information, please check our blog Kuterevo Volunteers

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information!

Many greetings from bears&people,


PS: workcamp description is here: https://www.workcamps.info/icamps/HR-VCZ/en/camp-details/camp-6777.html