Home [konkursi] Create a short video “Change Your Climate, Change Our World”

Create a short video “Change Your Climate, Change Our World”


 The Prize
Four grand prizes of all-expense-paid cultural exchange programs to the United States (for the non-U.S. winners) or from the United States to a country to be determined (for the U.S. winners) of approximately two weeks in length shall be awarded, one per category.
Up to five honorable mentions shall be acknowledged.
Winning and honorable mention videos shall be prominently featured on the ExchangesConnect social network and on other popular social media sites.

The Timeline
November 17, 2009 – January 12, 2010: Entries uploaded to the ExchangesConnect community (http://connect.state.gov ).
November 17, 2009 – January 26, 2010: ExchangesConnect community views and rates Entries.
March 2, 2010: Winners and honorable mentions notified and announced.
As early as Summer/Fall 2010: Grand Prize trip to the United States (for non-U.S. winners) and from the United States abroad (for U.S. winners)

The Details
You must be 14 or older to enter.
Entries must be no more than two minutes in length, including titles.
Entries may use any narrative and technical style, including documentary, fiction, live action or animation.
Entries must be in English or have English subtitles.
In order to be eligible to win, a Contestant must join the ExchangesConnect community (http://connect.state.gov ).
See contest site for a complete list of rules, http://connect.state.gov

Izvor: Infostud