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European Youth Week in Novi Sad


 eYouWiNS – The European Youth Week in Novi Sad is the first and the largest youth festival with a thematic focus in Serbia. eYouWiNS is dedicated to youth in Serbia, Europe and worldwide, and its mission is to promote the spirit of cooperation and to link cultures, ideas and, above all, people. We started in 2006 and in short time have gained popularity among young people all over Europe.

eYouWiNS 2008, titled People, Let’s Talk!, invites 150 participants to come to Novi Sad, Subotica and Indjija between 20th and 27th August. Our aim for 2008 – European year of Intercultural dialogue is to raise the awareness, knowledge and skills of young participants about personal and cultural barriers, European citizenship, various cultures and living stiles of European youth, conflict management and ways of successful communication.

People, Let’s Talk!

If the choice is action, COMMUNICATION, alternation…

If DIFFERENCE is accepted as a chance to become better…

If TOLERANCE is the answer to “different”…

If a DIALOGUE is a manner of overcoming our own boundaries…

Then INTERCULTURALISM is a path to build our future!!!

The motto of this year – People, Let’s Talk!, is motivated by the prime importance that young people understand and value the significance of intercultural dialogue and to be able to better express themselves, find their places and roles in our ever globalizing world.

Synergy of three festival elements – People, let’s talk! (education), People, let’s create! (creativity) and People, let’s party!(fun) will lead to fulfilling project objectives. Educational part of eYouWins in 2008 will offer the opportunity to young participants through interactive lectures and workshops to discover cultural diversity and develop personal skills and attitudes to realize innovative activities and practice intercultural dialogue.

The main part of the thematic work of eYouWins 2008 will be the group work on different topics derived from the main theme. eYouWins 2008 has 6 different workshops which highlight the festival theme from various aspects, and the students are to attend one of these during the whole festival.

1. Cultural heritage and artistic innovation

We would like to explore the importance of preserving the national culture and heritage while focusing on the need for innovation in the changing life.

2. “Face your history – Turn to the future!”

Our world is full of tension because of historical and political offences and, consequently, prejudices. For the peaceful future, young people must be aware of the historical background of nations, and handle relationships with respect and openness.

3. Identity in Crisis? Global vs. local

The question of identity has become a hot issue within the world of integration, and globalising world. This sub-topic aims at discovering the characteristics of the modern senses of identity in global and local context.

4. Inter-religious dialogue among young people

Just like history, religions are claimed to divide nations: religious oppositions cause tremendous amount of disasters. But what is the role of religion in our life? How can we see our heritage leading us on the path of peace?

5. Connect youth initiatives!

Europe is a vivid area of youth activities. Though, recent research pointed at the fact that young individuals often do not know about programmes/actions devoted to support them. We would like to give the field to youth NGOs and students to share their ideas and set up common projects within the European framework.

6. “Mediating culture” – Opportunities for student media

Student communities have an important role in the life of universities and cities. By the media that are managed by these young people, they can bring issues into the spotlight which interest them and are worthy to explore: these efforts have formulating power over the thinking of students and their approaches.

Deadline: 15.07.2008. 

Participants fee for eYouWiNS’08 is 40 EURO for all participants.

Number of participants is limited to 150.

Participants fee cover accommodation and all meals during festival, field trips, workshop materials. In participants fee is not included travel costs and personal expenses!!!

Accepted participants will pay the participants fee on arrival, at the registration.

Official language: English

Organizers: Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad, Creative Educational Center

All information and aplication on www.eyouwins.com

Infomail: office@eyouwins.com i eyouwins@gmail.com