Home Saveti od iskusnih Konkurs za omladinski program u Velikoj Britaniji (Mančester i London) 2019

Konkurs za omladinski program u Velikoj Britaniji (Mančester i London) 2019


Centar za razvojnu politiku i saradnju (CRPS) ima zadovoljstvo da Vas pozove da se prijavite na konkurs za omladinski trening “Digital Entrepreneurship Project: Empowering Disadvantaged Young people with Resourceful Digital Skills” koji će se održati u Mančesteru u Velikoj Britaniji od 18. do 27. jula 2019. godine.

Pravo prijavljivanja i učešća imaju svi mladi iz Srbije starosti od 23 do 30 godina. Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem aplikacione forme ispod poziva.

It is generally assumed that young people these days are versed in digital knowledge and can successfully transfer such into social capital in their respective local communities in EU.
‘Digital native’ is a term increasingly used in public discourse to describe the generations of young people who grow up surrounded by digital technologies.

The term suggests that young people intuitively know how to use technology for business and profit and hence have no need for digital education or training. ‘’DEP’’ Digital Entrepreneurship Project: Empowering Disadvantaged Young people with Resourceful Digital Skills’’ outline the issues connected with this assumption and provides evidence to demonstrate that it is a dangerous fallacy, that needed to be addressed and solutions going forward preferred.

Disadvantaged young people do not inherently possess the skills for safe and effective use of technologies for business, social capital creation, creativity, initiatives leading self employment or employability, and skills acquired informally are likely to be incomplete.

The failure to provide youths with a complete set of skills in a formal manner leads to a new digital divide between digital lifestyle skills and digital business and workplace skills.
The lack of proficiency in the tools needed for today’s workforce contributes to an increasingly lost generation, who are unable to realise their full potential as learners, employees, self employers, entrepreneurs or citizens using digital technologies.

Functionally, a strategic partnership of disadvantaged young people of like minds on visualizing structural misalignment in ICT and digital knowledge in participating countries decided to map out an action plan to address the issue of inadequate levels of ICT/digital skills, especially at the international levels involving trainers, youth workers etc. who are agents of change and learning.

This was realized in one of the project sessions with participating countries with a single purpose of revolutionizing the ICT/digital competencies among disadvantaged young people through ICT/digital empowerment training courses to sustain and widen networks of participants; thereby boosting skills and employability drives; modernizing education, training and youth work in line with European Commission’s key priority.

‘DEP’ Digital Entrepreneurship Project: Empowering Disadvantaged Young people with Resourceful Digital Skills’’ in line with EU thematic priorities; of ICT skills acquisition by disadvantaged young people, improvement, participation of disadvantaged learners, cultural diversity and inclusivity of people with fewer opportunities; coupled with annual priorities of inclusive growth, fight against marginalization of people of fewer opportunities encouraging them to participate effectively in the project life cycle aims to:

Encourage disadvantaged young people, youth trainers, youth workers, project multipliers and youth representatives to connect, learn how to deliver empowerment and employability skills training using ICT/digital, social networking media processes etc.

To give participants the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the European and neighbouring countries dimension on ICT skills and employability problems
To enhance participant’s knowledge of other European and neighbouring countries’ education systems and their provision of ICT and employability skills training and learning process
To improve specific skills required to teach ICT skills to young people, youth trainers, youth workers, project multipliers and youth representatives
To encourage inter-cultural learning, ICT and employability skills acquisition through cultural mobility, encourage innovation, creativity through new learning and education using Information Technology.

Methods: Non formal training process involve use of role plays, exercises, games; active learning methods, educational tools, outdoor activities, group building activities, simulations, and info sessions to engage participants.

Organizator snosi troškove vize, smeštaja i hrane.
Učesnicima će biti refundirani putni troškovi u visini do 360 evra.
Planirana je trodnevna poseta Londonu i Liverpulu.
Radni jezik je engleski.

Slanjem aplikacije izjavljujete da se slažete sa uslovima prijavljivanja i učešća.
CRPS će kontaktirati samo kandidate koji udju u drugi krug selekcije.

Važni datumi:
14.04-30.04.2019 (23:59) – Rok za prijave.
10.-15.05.2019 – Kontaktiranje odabranih učesnika.
15.05.2019 – Rok za uplatu participacije (u iznosu od € 35) za odabrane učesnike.
20.05.2019 – Predstavljanje programa i potpisivanje ugovora o učešću.
25.-28.05.2019 – Grupno viziranje i timske aktivnosti u Beogradu
18.-27.07.2019 – Program Digital Entrepreneurship Project: Empowering Disadvantaged Young people with Resourceful Digital Skills

Molimo Vas da sva vaša pitanja u vezi konkursa pošaljete u pisanoj formi na email: konkurs@crps.org.rs sa nazivom „UK-2019“ najkasnije 5 dana pre isteka roka za konkurisanje (25.4) i ljubazno se uzdržite od bilo kakvih telefonskih poziva ili ličnih poseta.

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