Home [treninzi] Management Trainee Programme

Management Trainee Programme


paint1Centar za razvoj karijere i savetovanje studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu i British American Tobacco Group pozivaju diplomce Univerziteta u Beogradu  da se prijave na Management Trainee Programme. The British American Tobacco Group is the world’s second largest quoted tobacco group by global market share and a truly global organization which has been in business for more than 100 years. In a business spanning some 180 markets worldwide, our companies employ more than 56,00 people and most of them stay with us for many years.

Our Management Trainee Programme is two year programme designed to help you embark on your journey from graduate to one of our leaders of the future.

You can choose from the following functions:

– Human Resources

– Finance

In return, we expect our candidates to:

– demonstrate a high level of commitment and hard work in their functional area (supported by excellent academic results)

– take the initiative, welcome challenges and be proactive in their approach

– be fluent in English language

– be fully mobile

If you think you’re ready for challenge of becoming a Management Trainee at British American Tobacco, you can apply by filing in our questionnaire downloaded from www.infostud.com and sending it, along with your CV, to: MT_Serbia@bat.com, in cc of the e-mail: saradnja@razvojkarijere.bg.ac.rs

Closing date: March, 20th 2011.