Home [treninzi] Poziv za učešće na omladinskom projektu Hurry Into the Right Employment Direction’’

Poziv za učešće na omladinskom projektu Hurry Into the Right Employment Direction’’



Inkluzivni pokret raspisuje poziv za odabir učesnika na međunarodnom projektu  “Hurry Into the Right Employment Direction’’ koji će se održati u Draču, Albaniji od 15.-23. aprila 2016. godine. Inkluzivni pokret učestvuje kao partner na projektu i ima priliku povede tri učesnika na trening koji će se baviti temom omladinskog preduzetništva.

Trening je namenjen omladinskim radnicima i onima koji direktno rade sa mladima, a zainteresovani su da poboljšaju svoje znanje iz oblasti preduzetništva, nauče nove metod uključivanja mladih na tržište rada, upoznaju se sa Erasmus+ programom i mogućnostima koji on pruža mladima. Troškove smeštaja i ishrane biće pokriveni od strane organizatora, a putni troškovi će biti refundirani nakon završetka treninga. Maksimalno će biti pokriveno 180€. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da učestvujete na treningu pošaljite popunjenu prijavu na mejl office@inkluzivnipokret.org do 12. februara 2016. godine do 16 časova.Prijavu možete naći u ovde. Odabrani učesnici će biti obavešteni o rezultatima selekcije 14. februara 2016. Godine. Ukoliko imate neko pitanje pišite na mejl office@inkluzivnipokret.org ili pozovite na telefon 063366029.

O projektu:

HIRED – Hurry Into the Right Employment Direction is a training course for youth leaders and workers who want to develop creativity as an essential competence to enter the job market. The main topic is to understand the new paradigm of the youth employment in Europe and how a creative approach along with the right attitude can open many doors and the market for young people. In this context, this project is working in accordance with European targets since the EU is working to reduce youth unemployment and to increase the youth employment rate in line with the wider EU target of achieving a 75% employment rate for the working-age population. The training course uses methods of experiential learning like role plays, simulations, drama and group sharing methods as small and large group discussions. Together, we will be working out and applying ‘new methods’ on how to raise awareness of youngsters concerning their participation in the local community and beyond. Overall, the mission of the training course is to find ways on how to improve young people chances to succeed in the very dynamic job market. The TC will last 9 days and the partners are based in both Programme and Partner countries.