Home [treninzi] III Summer School on Sustainable Development

III Summer School on Sustainable Development




Tuzla (BiH), Djerdap (Serbia) 27 August – 9 September 2007

History Regional Education and Information Centre for Sustainable Development in SEE (REIC) until now has organised two Summer Schools. The first Summer School related to the ‘Sustainable Development and Environmental Integration in a European Prospective’ was held in Cervia, Italy from 5-16/ 09, 2005. The second Summer School entitled ‘Environmental Integration in Territorial Management and Planning’ was held in Sarajevo, BiH and Nature Park Lonjsko Polje, Croatia from 28/ 08 – 10/ 09, 2006.
Concept The joint Summer School for 2007 is thematically dedicated to the ‘conflicts’ in space consequentially arising from the building and work of large energy infrastructures, as for instance thermo and hydro power plants. The consequences relate to both environmental and social aspects.

Geographical locations that have been chosen for the theoretical and practical teaching – Tuzla in BiH and Kladovo/ Djerdap in Serbia. Both locations are in situ examples of specific correlation existing between the energy infrastructure and space. The case of Djerdap has also a cross-border component including Serbia and Romania.

Goal The Summer School 2007 aims at deepening and expanding sectoral knowledge though multidisciplinary approach offering comprehensive and innovative methods of work and approaches in problem solving. The focus is on conflicts in the space consequentially arising from the building and work of large energy infrastructures.
Time and location 14 days in a period from 27 August to 9 September, 2007

TUZLA, BiH – 5/7 days (Thermo power plant Tuzla, Mines Kreka, Modrac lake, Sliding of the city due to salt mining activities, city of Tuzla, Project of new TPP Starari)

KLADOVO, Serbia – 5/7 days (Hydro power plant Djerdap, Lepenski vir, National Park Djerdap, town of Kladovo)

Multidisciplinary programme Items:

  1. Social aspects
  2. Environmental aspects
  3. Legal regulations
  4. Spatial and urban planning

Teachers are experts from the Region, as well as from EU countries.

The didactic process is supported by UNESCO expert.

Participants The offered multidisciplinary programme is targeting young professionals and final year students from the South East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, as well as territory Kosovo. Travel and full board accommodation costs for selected participants will be covered by REIC.

Total : 20 participants


Sarajevo University

Information and application REIC, Sarajevo

Phone/fax +387 33 613193; email: a.husika@reic.org.ba