Home [treninzi] ATA program stručnih praksi, Makedonija, Srbija

ATA program stručnih praksi, Makedonija, Srbija


ATA program stručnih praksi
Makedonija, Srbija (Kosovo)
ATA invites students and recent graduates to apply for a three-month internship program in:
Gorenje Niti Tiki Company, Kosovo and Telekom Macedonia

ATA will provide interns with allowance of 400 Euro monthly and cover their travel expenses.
The starting date: April 15th, 2007.

ATA is an independent not-for-profit foundation, based in Amsterdam, with field offices in Belgrade, Mitrovica, Pristina, and Skopje. This internship program is a part of its regional private sector development program for the Western Balkans.
For more information about the posts, go to the website.

You can apply if you are:
1. in an advanced stage of your studies or recently graduated in Economics, Business Administration, Finance or Entrepreneurship.
2. interested in taking up an internship position outside your own country;
3. fluent in English; knowledge of other languages will be an asset.

Send your curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and a certificate of grades to contact mail.

Application deadline: April 5th, 2007.

E-mail: intern@academictraining.org
Web: www.academictraining.org